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Zoom needs to fuck off. This is apologism. We need open source and decentralized solution and we need to shut up. I'm tired of this.

Oh yea, I know that there are technical difficulties considering the decentralization. But why aren't we working on it now? Dunno what we're waiting for. Mass adoption?

I've been using Jitsi Meet


Thx! Heard about it already. I'll do a personal analysis and I'll report.

Their branding sucks. Their website / landing page sucks. Their UX / UI sucks. I like the technology behind it though. I'll try to contact someone to see whether I can work for them (with them) for free, or as a volunteer (UI / UX / Web & Product Designer). They deserve better. There's a chance!

Well, good for them.

Wait. 10 tests per day? That's nothing.

What came first?

Disclaimer: I don't know if this article is correct or not. I have no stake in it being correct or not.

But, as the previous posters touched upon, there are some interesting philosophical issues at play here.

First, we have the old correlation vs. causation issue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_cau...

Then even if there is causation, we need to ask which came first, the parasite prevalence, or the authoritarian government.

Then even if we know the answer to that, we then need to ask if a circular relationship is present, in other words A causes some of B, which in turn causes more of A, which in turn causes more of B.

Basically, if a virtuous or vicious cycle is present (virtuous if more of A and B are desired; vicious if less of A and B are desired; in this case vicious, since presumably less of A and of B are desired...)

It's sort of like you could ask if "breakdowns in society" are responsibile for authoritarian governments -- or if authoritarian governments are responsible for breakdowns in society...

Or, if a little bit of one caused a little bit of the other, which in turn caused more of the first, which in turn caused more of the second, and the cycle became a vicious cycle...

So, the roots of what could be a fascinating philophical discussion in that.

Its sort of like in Star Wars -- we could ask if the breakdown of society caused the early elements of the Empire, which in turn caused the Rebellion, which in turn caused the furher breakdown of society, which caused the further strengthening of the Empire, which in turn caused the further strengthening of the Rebellion (by opposition)...

Vader may have been a key player on one side... but he did not start all of those cycles going...

"First" does not equal to "cause" either.

Second rules out cause though. If you have A=>B and B=>A as possibilities, and you can rule one of them out with a very simple question, that's a good way to start.

If computers came after electricity, they didn't cause electricity. That says nothing about the possibility of electricity causing computers, but it brings us forward nonetheless.

First doesn't necessarily cause second, but second almost certainly doesn't cause first.

That'd be actually lovely. Not a bad idea. Start from scratch. Rethink everything. Like in the 70s. Create stuff like UNIX, etc. There's a lot that needs fresh thinkin'. But ... there's nothing like that happening at all. Seriously. Gen Z are not picking-up at all, have no idea, depend on us. And that's real bad (for the future).

I agree but I also disagree, since we have some 1970/80s developers here who teach the attitude "Don't care about details" to younger ones which leads to excessive library usage for even the simplest "problems" (e.g. a team of ours had a JVM crash after they loaded >65K libraries during startup... no one can possibly need so many libraries!) and also to totally stupid design mistakes (e.g a rest service being queried thousand of times per second (open socket, 1 query, close socket) for the same data instead of caching and reusing it in a reasonable context --> massive performance problems).

Thats the maximum "I don't care about details" you can archive and it happens a lot since around 3 years. The older deveopers even talk about "enlighment" and "superior knowledge" to get more young people to their side (it is kinda religious, seriously...)

And there is not re-thinking happening in their heads (fortunately in the heads of the people in charge). All people (including me) who are not a member of this new religion are often excluded from meetings where they discuss the development (or should we say library management?) of new software projects (their current project is failing completely at the moment because those evil details were ignored, popcorn is ready). Critizism is answered with "you're not modern, go away!".

The most "extreme" are not the youngest but the older ones (mostly the 1970s) in their "modern" team.

I'm kinda Gen Z (mid 1993) and I'm seriously concered about this develpoment. I need to understand things in detail and I want to know when and why I need a library especially when you work with critical software as we do. New, modern and fancy often means imature and not battle-tested. New Programming languages don't necessarily solve problems. And writing something on your own is not always wrong, at least when you have good reasons and (most important) the qualification to do it. (remember, in the context of shipping critical software).

Are you being age-ist here? Do you remember how you were at their age? What did the older generation say about ours... and now we say the same?

My impression is that he meant Gen Z did not have the chance to witness the alleged deterioration of the software industry, hence, can't tell how bad is it.

That's where Mastodon comes in.

God damnit, that made me laugh. Beautiful creatures.

From the PR: "Apple completed the rollout of this new Maps experience in the United States and will begin rolling it out across Europe in the coming months."

Nightly is now 74.0a1 (major versions get released every 4 to 5 weeks).

That’s exactly what I’m talking about; you can’t reuse code on OSX and more or less have to start from scratch.

New Vector (https://www.vector.im/) is hiring more designers to come work fulltime on Riot’s UI and UX as they shift Riot’s focus from being developer-led to design-led.

That's great news!


Fantastic, though I wish they weren't burdened with such a bad name. I wonder if they would ever change it...

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