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> But I can’t imagine switching my main axe up with a holy shit moment a lot crazier than tree-sitter in 2024 and not having the render loop be in JS.

I can't parse this sentence -- could you unpack it? Not being a dick, I really want to know what you mean.

These arguments are exhausting. Do you understand how neurons work under the hood? And yet, hook billions of them together in interesting ways, and look what happens.

It starts earlier than the 60s. Mises wrote it about it in the 40s [1] but his criticisms are all bound up w/ the rest of the package that comes w/ the Austrian school. I lack the expertise to say anything about it, sadly.

[1] https://mises.org/library/bureaucracy

Curious -- people love those Little Schemer books. I've read SICP back in the day and loved that. I'd be interested in more of your impressions about LS/SS, if you care to share.

SICP is a textbook. The Little Schemer is a tutorial. You sit down with a pen, paper, and the book. Then you cover the answer column in the book, read the question / prompt and try to write an answer on your paper. You compare your results with the books suggested answer and work your way through it question by question.

So it is kind of a way of create a Socratic dialog with a book. I found it to be a great way to engage with the material in a way that promotes understanding in a hands on way, but without putting a computer in the way. When you are writing your answers you have to be more intentional than just, "well lets see if this works."

MindMac is the first example I've seen where the UI for working w/ LLMs is not complete and utter horseshit and starts to support workflows that are sensible.

I will buy this with so much enthusiasm if it holds up. Argh, this has been such a pain point.

And my axe.

You could have had your first paragraph without the second and the world would have been better for it.

Aye, emotions got the better of me.

It happens.

This is interesting and inspiring! However, if you don't know anything about music, would it be fun to play around with it, or tedious? Trying to allocate my down-the-rabbit-hole cycles a bit...

This is kind of the wrong place for this, but given the burst of attention from LLM-loving people: is there any open source chat scaffolding that actually provides a good UI for organizing chat streams and doing stuff with them?

A trivial example is how the LHS of the ChatGPT UI only allows you a handful of characters to name your chat, and you can't even drag the pane to the right to make it bigger; so I have all these chats with cryptic names from the last eleven months that I can't figure out wtf they are; and folders are subject to the same problem.

Seriously, just being able to organize all my chats would be a massive help; but there are so many cool things you could do beyond this! But I've found nothing other than literal clones of the ChatGPT UI. Is there really nothing? Nobody has made anything better?

This may not be useful to you, but there are browser extensions that add a bunch of functionality to ChatGPT.

The first that comes to mind: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/superpower-chatgpt...

No joy with the one you linked (can't see what problem that one is actually solving), but I'll look through browser extensions -- I hadn't considered that.

Not sure if open source but check out TypingMind

Also natural language search of the chat history would be great.

ChatGPT Keeper Chrome extension at least allows for search.

I agree why not vector search for history.

Organize how?

tree structure. like email.

That would be one very obvious way and a big improvement over the current state of affairs.

Having made the attempt at Being and Time in English, I find the assertion unironically plausible, even likely.

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