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Is there a good, terse primer on the features and coding idioms/best practices of C++17 for someone who was proficient in C++98 but hasn't touched the language in years?

Unfortunately it's not terse but Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers is a good resource.


Note that this book covers C++11 and C++14. C++17 wasn't on the scene much at this point so there is no mention at all of it in the book.

Having said that, C++17 was a minor update (much to Stroustrup's displeasure) and I can heartily recommend this book.

It was Meyer's last book as he is now retired (but will happily reply to emails; I love that about the C++ community - I've emailed Sutter, Stroustrup and Meyers and they will all reply).

It's kind of strange that massive layoffs like these result in a stock uptick. At least for me it's a sign that the company is probably unhealthy and that its value is going to go down in the future.

It mostly just confirms my belief that fully half of all white-collar workers in the developed world are adding zero value. They hustle for their first few years, then coast as old products sell themselves to old customers they already established relationships with in their younger years...

I can't fault them for not giving their all every day... I know for a fact I would instantly put in the minimal amount of work required after achieving tenure / seniority / whatever at a large organization.

"It mostly just confirms my belief that fully half of all white-collar workers in the developed world are adding zero value. They hustle for their first few years, then coast as old products sell themselves to old customers they already established relationships with in their younger years..."

This is not necessarily true.

It's more like - as you add people to the pile, you get diminishing marginal returns on value-added for each person yo add.

Trust me - older products that are hardened, and sold through established channels - those are where the juicy profits come from! Nobody wants to mess with that!

"It's kind of strange that massive layoffs like these result in a stock uptick"

It means that the company has realized it's in a head-wind, and is cutting costs in order to deal with it. Layoffs are usually coincident with a re-structuring.

Ergo - layoffs mean 'the company is adjusting to new market realities' - which is what investors want to hear.

Layoffs usually happen after the 'crappy state' of a company has been priced into the stock ... so there's usually only upside.

Also - all things considered, a layoff simply means less cost and likely an uptick in profitability, which in a spreadsheet analysis gives a higher valuation.

Cisco is doing a major layoff because they have a new CEO who wants to wipe the board clean and start his term fresh. This is very cynical ... but often true.

Finally - some companies do layoffs long before they are truly necessary. It's 'house cleaning' for them. Cisco does this. Because Cisco is an otherwise strong company, a layoff is good.

This is not like a 'Yahoo layoff' wherein it's just sending people off a sinking ship. So - an otherwise 'strong' company doing kind of a 'ruthless' layoff is usually seen as a good thing in investors eyes.

Maybe the logic is that market is already aware that the company is not in good shape and this is reflected in the stock price. Massive layoffs tell the management is now also realising this and doing something about it, which is then thought to be a good thing.

Another explanation could be that massive layoffs has caused stock uptick in the past and therefore it makes sense to bet that the same thing will also happen this time. (Of course this only makes sense for those who are first to react to the news)

The market welcomes ANY sign that the CEO isn't asleep at the wheel, that's all it means.

I imagine the logic is fairly simple: Same business, same products, less overhead. This should drive up profits in the short term, and if operations continue as they were previously, in the long term too. They also get to use terms like 'lean' and 'streamlined' in their investor reports. Stock bump.

To be fair, most businesses in history eventually regress to market-matching through zero-sum tactics like this.

Then short the stock. Long-term put options. What could go wrong?

You're probably being sarcastic, but we just had the other day the problem with shorting: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12294193

Investors short all the time. Your comment seems to be irrelevant to the discussion.

How about this famous short? Soros made a billion dollars.


Did you see/read "The Big Short?"


Eh? MyPy already implements generics. It would be a pretty useless type system otherwise since you couldn't give precise types to e.g. lists of ints.

The creator of toki pona seems to be a fan of the Finnish language. Several of the words are loaned directly (although without umlauts) and keep their original Finnish meaning.

At a glance: älä, kala, -kin, nenä, nimi, sama, sinä are exact Finnish words and "pimeja" is a slight alteration of "pimeä". Kiwen, lipu, linja and walo are probably Finnish inspired as well.

Another common trend seems to be using a simplified and shortened forms of the phonetic spelling of English words such as "ale" (all), "en" (and), "insa" (inside), "jaki" (yucky), "jelo" (yellow), "kama" (come), "ken" (can), "kule" (color), "lukin" (looking), "mani" (money), "mi" (me), "mun" (moon), "nanpa" (number), "pata" (brother), "suwi" (sweet), "tawa" (towards), "toki" (talking), "tu" (two), "wan" (one) and "wile" (will).

Slightly distorted, but still close: "anpa" (under), "kulupu" (sounds like a Japanese transliteration of group, グループ), "pilin" (feeling), "sewi" (ceiling) and "sike" (circle).

This actually helps a lot in memorizing the vocabulary. :)

She's a fan of a bunch of languages, not just Finnish. Breakdown of roots:


She deliberately picked a broad sample of roots across human languages so people would find it easy to learn. It's pretty easy to say basic things in Toki Pona, which is all that is possible to say in this language?

Sina pona?

I think she speaks English, French, and Esperanto. IIRC, many of the English words came through Tok Pisin, and English-based creole of New Guinea.

Some of these words are Serbian although some are made to sound as if you're talking to a baby by dropping some hard Rs and a few other consonants.

English - TP - Serbian

hand - luka - ruka

leg - noka - noga

eye - oko - oko

A few are also phonetic English-isms "Money" turns into "Mani"

A couple of the English-sounding terms were borrowed indirectly through Tok Pisin.

You need to use curly braces in single-line do-expressions:

    do { line <- getLine; putStrLn line }

First of all, I took that example from the webpage. And it works in ghci (if printing ? back to me "works", then I guess it works)

Ah, right, sorry. I completely misread your post.

I guess there's something funky in the unicode handling on the site.

Yeah, the online REPL is definitely not very useful or intuitive yet.

As it says, you can evaluate a single line Haskell "expression" and top-level declarations (like the sieve example) are not expressions. In addition, the sieve example declares an infinite list so there's no sensible way to print it.

You can fix all the above by using a let-expression on single line and only evaluating a finite part of the list using the 'take' function.

    let { primes = sieve [2..]; sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0] } in take 10 primes

At least here in Finland it is much, much easier from a regulations perspective for a company to fire a bunch of people all at once rather than just few at a time.

I fold each pair of socks into each other when I put them into the washing machine and then unfold them when hanging up to dry. All pairs stay together, no sorting necessary.

I'm not sure what you are trying to imply. :)

Vista (at least after the first service pack) is a solid OS. I still run it on my gaming PC (which also dual boots to Ubuntu) and I don't see any reason whatsoever to "upgrade" to W7 or W8.

Security vulnerabilities? Are they still supporting vista?

Vista gets security updates until 2017.

While "Order of War: Challenge" might have been sold separately at some point (I'm not sure), I think that most players (like me) were those who bought the original "Order of War" and got "Order of War: Challenge" as a free add-on.

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