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So when it comes to adding value for advertising fb is able to separate every object and data piece into sickening degrees of detail… but when it’s about privacy and authentication it’s “not the way things are done around here”… As you’ve mentioned as well it’s a choice by fb. Just as we have a choice to call fb out on making immoral choices. Better yet, the developer(s) that coded this part, and the developers that make a daily choice to maintain it in its current form.

And yes, it’s a choice. Just because people don’t take responsibility to make a deliberate choice, doesn’t mean it’s not a choice.

Your hyper sensitivity to the gas’s might actually cause the stress, which in turn causes more symptoms. Find a way to relax and let the gas be. Find what works for you: mindfulness, sports, hypnosis, medication… However, try first to focus on normalising your perception of the gas.

I think the "hypersensitivity" line is BS, or at least it's not a complete explanation. In my and others' cases, the "psychiatric" GI symptoms precede the physiological ones. The only time I ever got a straight answer is when I ended up at the hospital because I was passing out, and they said it was likely some combination of low blood pressure and vagus nerve overstimulation.

It is well established that vagus disruption during digestion has all sorts of side effects.

Including anxiety.

Right, point being that's not a psychological hypersensitivity, it's a lower level subconscious physiological process.

Hmm interesting! Maybe I can try measuring my blood pressure during these times of tiredness.

This is called IBS, and is caused by bacteria digesting certain carbs very rapidly. Identify the foods with a low Fodmap diet, figure out the quantity that doesnt trigger issues, and live mostly normally. I cant eat fructose at all, and only small amounts of garlic or onions.

It’s always people. People press buttons. Culture might be a reason to WHY people do stuff. But still, people DO stuff. Shifting the blame away to entities that can’t act, or change, actually stops the people from changing their behaviours and attitudes..and as such keeps the culture alive!

People will do what the organization has done itself, allows and promotes through incentivizing each employee with bonuses for new technology they turn whether it's their own work or not.

Yet if society allowed heinous acts, it still makes sense to blame those who commit them. Just because the punishments are removed, or even the acts encouraged, does that give individuals the right to defer the moral obligation to act correctly. Even when governments FORCE you to do heinous acts, we still hold individuals accountable for having done them (Nuremberg trials).

Hmmm society vs. a money making organization to me are two different things.... politicians those who make the laws arent going around doing school shootings and other murderous acts. They do steal, lie, cheat and other bad things and they are brought to justice. So with that in mind Google itself is the politician in this example and or a group of them doing terrible things yet no one cares/nothing is done about their nefarious behavior ... probably because Google has bought the politicians ;-)

Human teachers realising their mistakes and learning from it… how long ago was it that you were in an average school?

One teacher claimed he watched Animal Planet showing ostriches burying their head in the sand and humans casually slaughtering them.

It might be hard to imagine, but your charging habits will change.

I wear my watch 23/7. It charges in the morning when I’m in the shower.

Only after an extra sporty day with a lot of sports tracking will I need to let it charge an extra 30 minutes or so extra during that day.

I recharged my Pebbles while I was in the shower, since they usually took less than 15 minutes to top up after ~24 hours of usage. I've found my Apple Watch (it is an older model, though) to need too much time to recharge, however, so rather than building a different habit around it I recharge it overnight.

I tried for years, didn't work for me (Apple Watch 2). I mow have a Garmin Fenix 7 which lasts 18 days without recharge, buy has much more limited features (which is fine for me).

Even of spelt out in the contract, laws trump contracts. Just a matter of having the patience, and money, to fight the court battle…

Yeah, for sure. But if GP was fired like this then a bet a bunch of people were, and if they were in the EU they might be able to make it a class action.

I thought I was just to incompetent to figure out how to stop an instance…so I just gave up while watching my creditcard getting billed for about €20 each month.. Last month I went full on and spent a few hours removing everything on every screen I could find. After many hours of failing to remove an instance because you have to stop a thingie from auto starting on another screen first…and another thingie from running there. I finally managed to remove all the instances…

Then two months later, I still get a bill for a few €…

I give up.

I Hate Amazon

You can try using this tool: https://github.com/iann0036/former2

This will scan your entire account and list all of your resources - it's actually made for generating CloudFormation templates, but it's very useful for a use-case like yours.

I'll bet you created the environment with Elastic Beanstalk, whose job it is to (among other things) replace instances if they fail.

When you stopped the instance in EC2, EB did its job and created a new instance.

You eventually figured this out and killed the EB env, and the instances stopped reappearing.

But the Elastic IP address assigned to your EB env is still on your account, and it's no longer free of charge, because you don't have a running instance.

So you will be billed about a €/mo until you delete the Elastic IP reservation.

This is ridiculously confusing, and ridiculously common.

Might be the reason for Apple Arcade...because the buying-but-not-owning-business model is EOL

I doubt it is EOL. There is demand for "owning", so there is a business-model there. It might be shrinking or changing, but at least for a niche, it will stay.

For example e-books. I try to buy as many from the authors (or their publishers) themselves. Surprising how often an author sells their book themselves. DRM-free, almost always cheaper. Owned-by-me. As opposed to e.g. my "kobo", which I cannot backup and download for that inevitable moment that Rakuten/Kobo decides to close my account, "pivot" or stop offering services.

You’d be surprised how many fb users (mostly less technical) just use a browser to access fb.. They don’t need an app in the App Store to do so.. So this might actually be a fight against the strange people working at Facebook that will get them to rethink what it is they do everyday..

I think this is a good case for what Apps bring to the table and highlighting what the cost is privacy wise. As a developer I think apps are cool, the way they're leaking data is awful. This is something the platforms need to step up control over and I think that because this isn't the case there's an incentive to keep things as they are. Like automotive and the iterative improvements.

This is me - and Facebook does not miss an opportunity to ask me to download messenger.

I use the low bandwidth option if I need to get on there. mbasic.facebook.com no nagging about apps and you can actually use the messenger web interface.

I tell my mom she needs to use FF containers for FB. I set it up so she can't do anything else. She's happy & gets to see her extended family pics/updates.

Isn't this done automatically now in Firefox? As in, you don't need to even install the containers add-on as Facebook and related properties are automatically opened in a default Facebook container?

Not true. Facebook doesn't do any of this automatically, manner of speaking, unless the user explicitly informs the addon to do so.

Wow that'd be great news - when did that happen?

Humans set deadlines...

Ah, but once a deadline is set, it is very hard to un-set. Apple does not exist in a vacuum, it communicates its schedules to others and huge efforts are made by many people and companies to meet that deadline; it is not a trivial thing to change.

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