Hey seaghost. The majority of the user interface is built with SwiftUI with a little UIKit, and the backend is our core written in Rust. Have you had a chance to install the app yet? If so, what makes you feel it isn't native?
It’s very sluggish and looks like a web app. I’m sorry but my first reaction was that this app followed the path of desktop apps converted to JavaScript wrapped in Electron. Thanks for clarifying!
Thanks again. I haven't been able to reproduce that on my iPhone XS Max, but I have reported it to development for further investigation. We'll continue to optimize the app as we move toward a general availability release.
I'd argue that it's more akin to Ubuntu relying on Debian for updates, or Microsoft's Edge / Brave Browser / one of the many other forks relying on Google for Chromium / Blink updates.
The one distinction is in addition to the open source code comparison here, we also use some proprietary bits from their updates, which are needed to get the phone booting and basic hardware working.
It didn't seem like any of that was the fault of OpenBSD to me. The monitor may have just been a bad choice. Especially when he had to get that additional expansion card to use it, and still had issues. I hope he finds a way to get back to 60hz someday.
I find it a bit odd that creepy toothpaste advertising is a greater sin than providing your thoughts and dreams and sexual behavior to a dictatorship and "Democratic" empire.
Maybe this is the human brain trying to rationalize your past behavior in speech and it just sounds silly.
You didn’t mention any other companies in your PRISM companies. The others shared data for PRISM AND have been profiling people and selling or sharing their behavioral data.