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This site has implemented this. http://vitaminsdesign.com/projects/lego-calendar/

Their JS in not minified, you may want to take a look.

I wrote Commentary to address this issue - https://github.com/sdqali/commentary

Now this looks interesting. Integration looks pretty simple since it's a JS include via jQuery. Would you happen to have any running demos somewhere or perhaps some screenshots?

Would be cool if you had some screenshots up there.

This looks nice. I'll probably try it, if I can persuade myself to install Ruby.

May be blog is not the right name for it. This is useful in a situation where you want to write something quickly without going to the lengths of publishing a full blog post and then want to share with someone who is not in to Gists and GitHub.

Also, see http://gist.io where I took the idea from.


This has existed for ages in the form of GNU Screen. (Or Byobu, if you want a variation with bells and whistles.)

I did history | grep -v "=" | .... to ensure that commands where I specified environment variables are ignored.

The method I have found to stop tracking is to use /etc/hosts to block all traffic to sites that I don't want anything to do with including Facebook and their CDNs. I based it around https://github.com/leto/Util/blob/master/config/etc/hosts.bl... and have added more tracker/advertisement domains as I have encountered them.

Large host files really slow down browsing in Windows. Is their a solution for this besides clearing the DNS cache every hour?

You can block it on your router.

I am curious to know in what way have you felt that the Facebook way of rendering your app in an iframe restricts the user experience?

I have a Samsung Note 2, from Verizone. While it came with a lot of apps I don't want (like the NHL app), it did not have the FB app.

I got a <video> tag as well. Firefox on Mac OS X.

Could you explain how this is "pumping and dumping"? What I have learned from the material floating around is that there are fundamental difference in the architectures of Chrome and Safari and how they talk to WebKit. Google decided to go their own way because maintaining the common code base was a pain for both sets of developers.

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