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Several algorithms and techniques and operating system(s?).




I myself coded an implementation of this algorithm for a map itinerary project. It's powerful in my opiniom.

"Having free time was great, but in my contract was specified that everything I worked on in my free time belonged to the company."

Wow that is sick.

Actually, that's the law: if you're employed as a programmer, any programming you do in your free time is copyrighted by your employer. At least in the Netherlands. (More info at http://www.iusmentis.com/copyright/crashcourse/ownership/ .) And yeah, that's pretty sick from an employee perspective, but great if you want to protect yourself as a company. When I was employed, I actually read my contract, so I had a side-note added with exceptions. If you're involved in any open source project, that's probably a smart thing to do. (Again, at least in the Netherlands, but I'm pretty sure that's not unique, since copyright laws tend to be very old.)

I think we should close all hospitals. Those stupid doctors can't cure all diseases therefore medicine is complete useless.

I don't think your analogy is valid:

Knowing how to cure all diseases would be a very high goal that stands above what doctors accomplished up to the present time.

The challenge that I gave is below what physicists "know" today.

When a physicist studies Qunatum Mechanics, he knows that on the macroscopic scale, QM will behave like classical electromagnetism. The problem that I raise, is that physicists don't know classical electromagnetism well enough in the first place. They can't calculate motion of macroscopic objects. I don't think it's wise to try to study QM before they solved that challenge, the same way it won't be wise to start learning Special Relativity before you studied Newtonian Mechanics.

Fair enough, I stand corrected, I commented as I did because I interpreted it as a typical "science can't explain everything therefore it is useless" or "your theory isn't perfect therefore my theory must be correct" rant.

When a physicist studies Qunatum Mechanics, he knows that on the macroscopic scale, QM will behave like classical electromagnetism.

Why do you say this? Quantum Mechanics in the classical limit does not become classical electrodynamics. How could it? QM is non-relativistic. Classical electrodynamics is relativistic. QM in the classical limit becomes classical (Newtonian) mechanics.

I admit I haven't studied QM, but I believe that it's relativistic. Maybe you have confused General Relativity with Special Relativity? QM is incompatible with GR, but I think it's based on SR.

Well, it isn't, and no, I haven't confused General with Special Relativity, trust me on that :) Maybe you confused Quantum Mechanics with Quantum Field Theory?

I think I meant QED, sorry.

Ah OK then yes, QED is relativistic and in the classical limit it should become classical electrodynamics.

Just because you don't need to write your own sorting algorithms don't mean you don't have to know how to write one. First of all it is a good introduction to algorithms, analysis and construction and you still have to know the complexity of each to choose the correct one in some cases.

? chater 5 to 7 seem to cover that pretty well.

Part V Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning 13 Uncertainty 14 Probabilistic Reasoning 15 Probabilistic Reasoning Over Time 16 Making Simple Decisions 17 Making Complex Decisions Part VI Learning 18 Learning from Observations 19 Knowledge in Learning 20 Statistical Learning Methods (pdf) 21 Reinforcement Learning Part VII Communicating, Perceiving, and Acting 22 Communication 23 Probabilistic Language Processing 24 Perception 25 Robotics Part VIII Conclusions 26 Philosophical Foundations 27 AI: Present and Future Bibliography (pdf and counts) Index (html or pdf)

If these guys aren't making money, how do they support themselves?

Google adding support for Microsoft tools?

Defense. It is so obvious how some people make fun of it because they are unable themselves.

How can people call themselves programmers and don't know more recursion thatn this guy. It is not recursion that is slow, it is your algorithm...

so can it run a repl?

If I recall correctly, Haskell is compiled, and Yi probably is (an interpreter does exist, but there is not much of a point).

It probably has a system like XMonad, where the code is compiled, but you can hot-recompile, which is effectively the same thing.

There is a Haskell REPL. ghci.

Yes, but I am not aware of any program running in it. c.f. XMonad. It seems that the style is for complied code (and thus low-profile) with dynamic recompilation. This is effectively a REPL, but you technically do recompile. So more of a RCPL?

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