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to my knowledge and understanding it is the first valkey release that include features not just bug fixes! This release is fully compatible with Redis OSS 7.2.4.



probably more instances out there, you can also host your own

may it save you some time ...

I wonder if this could be any good as a bash replacement in GitHub actions

that sounds like "automated advanced chaos monkey" to me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_engineering#Chaos_Monkey

Depends on how far you mean with "advanced" here. We specifically cover the differences between Antithesis and Chaos Engineering in our "How It's Different" page:


Here's the relevant text though:

Antithesis testing resembles chaos testing, in that it injects faults to trigger and identify problems. But Antithesis runs these tests in a fully deterministic simulated environment, rather than in production. This means Antithesis testing never risks real-world downtime. This in turn allows for much more aggressive fault injection, which finds more bugs, and finds them faster. Antithesis can also test new builds before they roll out to production, meaning you find the bugs before your customer does.

Finally, Antithesis can perfectly reproduce any problem it finds, enabling quick debugging. While chaos testing can discover problems in production, it is then unable to replicate them, because the real world is not deterministic.

you must have visited the same school as i did. maybe the prof also said: there is no science in informatics, only in RDMS you can prove something. pulls out ms access


actually its still ongoing https://status.ionos.cloud/

mongoose is quite a popular javascript library for accessing mongodb.

a new vulnerability was discovered a few days ago where prototype pollutions were easily possible

first heard in GTA IV I think, dunno the radio station though :D

couldn't agree more, but we are "stuck" in managed ansible + k8s

although i think kustomize wouldn't make a nicer picture than ansible, but push vs pull .. i prefer pull

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