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>I have a sense that this is the dirty little secret of the spyware advertising industry, personalization just isn't that great.

Personalized adverts and recommendations can be incredibly, horrendously dumb.

Here's what I see when I hit amazon's homepage at the moment : A "buy once again" column that features blackout curtains I bought 3 months ago (no, curtains don't need to be replaced every months, amazon.), USB cables I bought multiples of in the same time frame, a wireless charger (I already bought two before). An entire line dedicated to showing me backpacks (I bought one less than a year ago) An entire line dedicated to headphones (I recently bought wireless IEMs) An entire line dedicated to watches (same)

I don't get it. Supposedly the best and brightest work at firms like amazon and google to brainwash us to buy stuff, but classic, random, non-targeted advertisement is more likely to make me discover products I'd buy than targeted advertisement because the latter only shows me things after I don't need to buy them anymore!

Here's what I would expect actually intelligent targeted advertising to do : After buying a smartphone, recommend accessories (cases, screen protectors, USB-C dongles, chargers, whatever) Here's what targeted advertisement actually does : show me smartphones ads everywhere I go after I already selected and BOUGHT a smartphone. No, I don't need to buy another smartphone weeks after a recent replacement, amazon!

The same sort of phenomenon can happen after google locks on searches I did to buy something. I can't wait to see the internet advertisement industry crash and burn, it's overvalued nonsense.

A "buy once again" column that features blackout curtains I bought 3 months ago no, curtains don't need to be replaced every months, amazon.),

Disagree there. About 75% of the things I buy on Amazon are repeating purchases that I nevertheless don't want to be automatically scheduled. It used to be a real pain in the neck to reorder something manually, so I'm glad they made that easier.

But yes, in general, Amazon is full of low-hanging fruit that's been neglected on the tree for a decade or more. Buying clothes from Amazon still manages to be a worse experience than going to the mall, for instance, which is really saying something.

France is not America, thank you very much. I have never seen people leave tips here.

This is just anecdote versus anecdote, but I've never had to replace a LED because of them blowing out. Just recently, I replaced a LED that has been turned on for 24 hours a day every day for a whole 5 years, and it was still working. You may ask, why replace it then? well, high quality LED bulbs might not blow up, but they lose brightness over time. Still, I'd say 5 years of mileage for a light has is never turned off is a solid return on investment, particularly when considering how little energy they consume compared to previous light bulb technologies.

The same thing also happens with the LED strips within monitors, monitors get replaced when they become too dark.

I would be suspicious about the quality of the electricity in the place you live or work at when you see this stuff break at too high of a frequency. Not directly related to LEDs, but somehow I had electronics like computers or just plain old regular incandescent light bulbs break far more often in a house I used to live in, and I used to blame bad luck with the devices I bought, until I moved into another apartment and things actually started to have acceptable life expectancy.

Likely not caused by the fact that the charger is high wattage.

I have an Anker charger with two ports which use different tech to detect what the device needs : an USB A with Anker's poweriq (which supports multiple fast charging standards like qualcomm QC, but it also charges devices that don't use fast charging), and an USB C port that only does USB PD.

My vape only charges on the USB A port with poweriq. The strictly USB PD port doesn't work for it (but works on all my other devices).

I've decided in the future I will only buy chargers from Anker that have their proprietary poweriq thing, and dismiss anything that only supports USB PD. Poweriq 3 also works with USB PD devices so having a charger or a port that only does USB PD seems useless.

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