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It's like using "certified pre-owned" instead of "used".

Except that one actually makes sense, because “certified” means it was inspected and warrantied by a dealership versus a “used” car which is most often sold as-is.

Right. Certified preowned is not just a marketing term.

So just double-speak as regular english

Can you talk a little more about worksheets? I'm not familiar with scala worsheets at all.

Follow-up: How do you transition to productionizing your code after iterating in them?

Worksheets are a simple concept: you write lines of code in them, and the IDE runs the code automatically as you type, and displays the return value of each line. If you're familiar with the concept of Jupyter notebooks, it's a bit like that.

I tend to not view it as a replacement for an ordinary code file, but as a replacement for a REPL session. It has several advantages:

* Keeping track of your previous commands in a file is much more convenient than keeping track of it in your input history of the REPL.

* You can keep re-editing previous lines easily, and you can see the output of all lines.

* There is no hidden state (unlike a REPL). Everything is run from scratch every time.

* It's easier to define helper functions than in a REPL.

* It's easier to turn a worksheet into a unit test than it is to turn a REPL session into a unit test.

That said, it's also possible to start writing a module in a worksheet, and then turn it into an ordinary code file later.

Worksheets aren't perfect yet; I can think of many improvements, but they're already very useful to me. I think the end game will be to merge the concept of worksheet, unit test, debugger, printf debugging, and ordinary code file into one system, like Sean McDirmid's usable live programming research work (which in my opinion remains one of the most underrated research projects).


I love the idea of a positive (yet critical) feedback loop instead of the tone on display here.

Your comment, among the sea of others, got through and made some sense to me. My follow-up questions are:

Does that negate the truthfulness of LeCun's response? What would Gebru rather he do or say?

I feel like I can't tell what the desired form of action is from the article, and I'm unsure what good it does for removing bias from ML to attack prominent figures (on twitter let alone anywhere public).

I was surprised to see Gab as a top reply to one of his tweets. Gab has a verified Twitter account, and it was offering itself as an alternative to the 'censorship'.

I don't find it surprising, but do find it sad. Few people understand how the internet works, and that there's probably an alternative to every platform, utility, or library out there.

I recently discovered: https://github.com/foxcpp/maddy

It takes a lot of the legwork out. Obviously you're referring to the likelihood of a major email provider marking you as spam, which is pretty likely if you're sending much volume. But if you have all your ducks in a row, you just might be able to make it work with this.

FAQ: https://github.com/foxcpp/maddy/blob/dev/docs/faq.md

I forgot how quickly a web page can load with no JS. Kudos!

Thanks! So did I :)

From that page, it looks like odd lots are still transacted damn near the same rate. '1 to 2 basis points' off would be .01-.02% extra

Only true if there is sufficient liquidity. Outside of main market hours I've seen pretty thin liquidity in odd lots and thus wide spread (GBP/AUD).

I agree IB is still a pretty good way to go overall though

Especially because it's not the default weather app on any Android device. Users have to seek it out. They're not punishing every android user, just the ones that have already supported the application they've purchased.

It's spiteful.

Does "N=16" mean they've approved this test after such limited testing?

I think my high school stats class told me not to trust studies where N < 30.

I think the acceptable value for N depends on the size of the effect being studied.

For example if it’s a massive effect, maybe 10 people is sufficient, but if it’s tiny enough to get swallowed up in statistical noise until you have 1000, then you need N >= 1000

I would be told off if I coded with magic global variables and is why I find math and bio frustrating. Care to explain the purpose of N?

Its the number of people they used to test.

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