That's a... very misleading name. It's called "Cloud" vision, but then says:
> Cloud Vision does not track, record or send any images, videos, or information provided by the user to any server. All image processing is performed within the application.
I'm not familiar with Adapt before this post, but in general, yeah, a componentized backend is a very popular approach, particularly on Kubernetes, e.g., with tools like Jsonnet, Kustomize, Helm (umbrella) charts.
"Next gen" alternatives to Terraform like Pulumi also take a different approach to similar ideas.
You might also be interested in Cloud Native Application Bundles [1].
[Update: If I'm understanding Adapt right, it looks like Adapt is going for similar ideas but doing the configuration management in JSX and attempting to automate much of the DevOps details for the end user. It sort of looks like how Create React App insulates one from Webpack for common use cases. If it works as well as it sounds in the tutorial, this could be an easier to get up and running alternative to e.g., a Docker Compose setup, for someone whose skills are more on the frontend side.]
That is exactly the idea behind Adapt (and said better than I've been saying it). The goal is to hide all the DevOps details but still make it easy to customize the parts that you need to customize via JSX and React concepts.
If you check out some of the components in adapt/cloud/src, most of them are small too, and just use other simpler components like LocalDockerImage, DockerContainer, RepositoryImage, etc.
Propel (and bunch of other ventures) have their genesis at the Blue Ridge Labs.
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Hi HN, I am working on debugging/log analysis service for developers that is designed to plug into continuous integration and act as the first filter for incoming crash/exception logs.
My submission never made it to HN front-page, but I would love any feedback on it. It's at Thanks.
(Jaime, your service is really the kind of functionality that is missing from dev toolbox. Great job at solving real-world problems!)
Hey sax, I have a comment. Most people will stop reading at:
Bisect allows users to test program state against expected values. Tests results are used as bisection READING STOPS HERE points to narrow-down towards the root-cause of the underlying issue.
The top three paragraphs still don't really explain what this does. Summarize, and show an example. That way, people will use it and come back to it.
Is there a relationship between the colors on the graphs? Every graph has different value scale. Hard to compare values between graphs, which is the whole point of the article.
I am working on a project that aims to standardize the use of bisection to narrow-down and arrive at root-cause of bugs. One approach is to run regex on your output logs to determine what modules are running into issues. check out
I see the familiar pattern of programmers not saying "no" and not explaining clearly what they need to work.
None of the other people here are being particularly unreasonable, they're just ignorant. And given that "how to work with programmers, writers and mathematicians" is not part of any educations, it's not really their fault.
My understanding is this: the genesis for fold (as opposed to foldl) is from the linked talk:
If fold (a concurrent reduce) is used instead of foldl (a sequential reduce), then the mapping function can be pushed down and applied concurrently to the various elements. A generic mechanism can then be used for dispatching concurrent operations. These functional operation are composed of first mapping (and/or) filtering and then reducing.
It takes not more than 120 seconds to swab, stick the provided bar-codes on the 4 buds and stick the buds back into the provided casing. You then slip the case into the postage paid envelope and leave it on your outgoing mail for USPS to pick it up tomorrow.
I did this a couple of weeks ago. Just do it and be done with.