This is another reason for the Uber/Tesla/Lyft vision of the robotaxi future. If a service can provide both the cost-effectiveness and autonomy of a taxi network, there's a generation of tech-savvy buyers that will be grateful to take the car shopping/ownership costs out of their lives.
That may be true, but outside of eliminating labor cost of the driver it’s hard to see how it’s significantly cheaper. And even though vehicles are a depreciating asset, there’s often a point when depreciation stops.
I’d really like to see how these services compare with the costs of running a cheap used vehicle in the majority of the US.
I wonder how much it would cost to get a decent camera on one of those Starlink launch missions just so it would beam down some distortion free, high-resolution pictures to the masses.
Although I doubt that would provide meaningful data to professional astronomer.
Yeah, using -L you can shell redirect to a workable log file. I've done this a few times. They also build the asc2bin conversion utility to convert any logs to the more common *.bin format.