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anyone remember the quicktime 6(?) weird volume slider from 1999 on classic MacOS ? The first version of a mac app I can remember that used a brushed metal skin

It was actually quicktime 4(!) (I feel old), with the rotary volume control, like a thumb-wheel. The horror..


this 100%. When I had my TV installed I explicitly told the geeksquad guys who mounted it on the wall to not connect it to the internet because I'm driving it with an apple TV

My company uses this, but not for kubernetes. It's a nifty product

20 years ago I carried around a palm pilot, iPod and cell phone. I was so happy when I could combine all of those devices into an iPhone. I just don’t see a need for VR googles at this point. This seems like a solution in search of a problem.

This, at first glance, looks pretty slick.

I've been using rails since 2006, and deployed my first app via capistrano shortly thereafter. I also once deployed an app using deis to run a mini-heroku. I've been using kubernetes at work (since 2018) and on some raspberry pis at home. I'm going to kick the tires on this and see what its like.

Rust 101 would definitely be a weed out class for students trying to get a CS degree!

Context: I took C++ back in college in 1999 and 2000. There were students who struggled with it then who dropped CS as a major. Later on I heard that Java took over as a 101 class. Now I think it’s Python.

Heap allocation doesn't really come up all that much in "101" programs, though. You have Strings of course, but that's about it. So I think teaching Rust could work, people just haven't gotten around to trying it. Most intros to Rust including the official book explicitly assume familiarity with some other programming language, and often fail to explain other things (at either the "low" or "high" level of semantics) that a 101 student wouldn't know.

And why would that be the case?

I can flash the firmware on my ergodox ez with it. That’s pretty wild

Came here to say that. That oryx configurator is indeed pretty slick.


Blew my mind that it worked flawlessly almost 3 years ago already.

I highly recommend using Tower. Yes, it’s a paid app with a yearly subscription fee, but it’s worth it. I really enjoy using the rebase functionality to reword, split, and reorder commits.

I also know how to do this on the command line, but sometimes I enjoy using a gui on macOS.

Can you specify which of the features in the table from the article it provides? If so, I can update the article. The last time I used Tower, I was not impressed, for the same reasons as the other Git UI tools in the table which try to offer simar features.

I would say that while Tower can't achieve the specific features to the specifications defined in the article (as I understand them), its main advantage is how stable, predictable, and at-home it feels on macOS, which cannot be said of /any/ of the other GUI clients (where applicable, on macOS). It's responsive, commands finish as expected, and I can also perform many operations with a drag and drop or via the context menu. This predictability lends a lot of confidence to me achieving my work, and I feel others feel the same.

As for the features, it:

- supports `undo` of arbitrary operations quite well. - has a dedicated `reword` (as "edit commit message") command/flow (but will ask if you want to stash your current working copy, with the option to automatically re-apply the stash) - `split` kind of works by entering a "edit a commit" flow, which lets you stage and commit multiple times. In short, editing a single commit can generate one or more commits. - `large-ops` and `large-load`: I've never noticed the GUI becoming unresponsive, but it's possible none of the repos I've checked out are large enough.

Note: Tower on Windows feels out place on Windows/ doesn't work as well as on Mac, but is still a formidable git GUI.

Thank you for mentioning Tower! I would just like to add that Tower 9 also included many improvements around the merge/rebase experience, including an Instant Conflict Detection that should satisfy the "preview" workflow mentioned.

Here's an example: https://imgur.com/a/VCkqrBI

More info here: https://www.git-tower.com/blog/tower-mac-9/#1-merge-improvem...

As someone who has lived in Chicago and the Chicago suburbs, this is completely true

This is seriously impressive!! Hats off to everyone involved

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