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- 2024 will see the rise of job-keeping as a core skill set for everyone except the most technical or most soft-skilled persons. Individuals will need to prove to their employer organizations that they provide more value than a bot, and you'll see an accompanying wave of "career maintenance" influencers and consultants. It'll be comparable to "win the interview" culture, so not a huge thing, but definitely a thing. This ties in with what others have said about the rise of individual competence proving as a trend.

- People will be so sick of online dating that "singles culture" will make a come-back, primarily for millennials who are 35+ and freaking out about life priorities (kids, partner, etc.) I expect to see lots of "speed dating" and stuff like that appear out of nowhere as everyone become more sexually open-minded but also wants human connection.

- The US government will begin to talk about 10 year + plans for the first time in over a centry. Biden will do a bragging tour on the infrastructure bill leading into the election and "long termism" will become a meme.

- Cannabis will be re-scheduled to Schedule III and will become basically legal for all Americans.

- Bitcoin will be strong, all other cryptos will flounder. Ethereum will stay alive, and NFTs will make a bit of a come-back, but not like the first wave.

- People will make serious efforts to stop owning cars and demand more transit options from their cities and townships. These plans will be very glamourous and take 10 years to complete (or get started). Some may stop owning phones.

- Alcohol will take on a "weird" place in culture in response to growing cannabis and psychedelics usage. Some people will become very proud of their drinking and others will judge them very harshly. It will probably end up a culture war issue.

- We will see extraordinary acts of public violence in American streets, with responsibility probably shared between citizens, gangs, and the police.

> We will see extraordinary acts of public violence in American streets, with responsibility probably shared between citizens, gangs, and the police

Curious if you can expand on this a bit more?

Monarch as a financial management tool / Mint replacement.

Ref link: https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/chszg37bgv Regular link: https://www.monarchmoney.com/

This is a bit out-there, and might come off as server recruitment... but if anyone is lonely and wants to talk about weird bass music, dubstep, DnB, Garage, etc. - here's a Discord server I run and spend all day in. discord.gg/cbw7gej

More and more, I'm finding myself using Notion to track "life data stuff". I realize this is a very imperfect choice, but it offers the best tooling I've found so far for this sort of thing. I may migrate to some self-hosted open-source Notion clone at some point (there are a few).

if you're willing to share further: what's your top OSS clone atm?

I also use LibraryThing, and I switched over when GoodReads was acquired by Amazon. I love LibraryThing, and they do monthly giveaways of new books by indie authors. I try to recommend it to everyone I know, so thanks for plugging it in this thread.

Here's my profile, if anyone wants to be book-nerd friends: https://www.librarything.com/profile/awesame

I use Monarch. I pay a monthly fee for it, but it has zero ads, tracks all the accounts I care about, and gives me a simple interface for the "envelope method" on web and mobile. I've used Mint, YNAB, and several other tools. This is my favorite that I've found so far.

Link: https://www.monarchmoney.com/ Referral link: https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/chszg37bgv

I manage a team of SDETs, and I've written a formal 90-day onboarding plan with 12 weekly sections that include checklists at the end of each week. We store this in Notion, so for a new hire, I just clone the entire page, hand it off to them as their own instance, and let them treat it as a worksheet.

Obviously, we also meet for 1:1s and do lots of hand-holding for new hires, but having that template really helps make our onboarding more brainless (for us, not the hire) and seamless (for both parties).

Can you name some of the innovation happening in ICE vehicles? Just some terms I can search for would be appreciated. Thanks!

I wish that was "under the radar" instead of "subject of a giant embarrassing marketing push"

South Ameria has been using bio ethanol as a fuel for a while now, it's cheaper and uses crops, there are projects to bring that to North Amerixa and the rest of the world!

Doesn’t bio ethanol take more fossil fuel energy to create than it replaces?


I'm not very well versed in the subject but this should point you in the right direction!

> for average conditions one unit of fossil-fuel energy is required to create 8.3 energy units from the resulting ethanol

It seems they’re in a unique position because sugar cane grows there, is used in industry, and the leftovers that aren’t usable for anything else can be turned into fuel.

I had no idea Brazil has a unique bio ethanol industry, thanks for sharing.

This anxiety is very common. In the best, most blameless organizational cultures, team members are allowed to say "I didn't get much done yesterday" on an occasional basis and are forgiven for it - but I realize that reality isn't often like that.

In reality, sometimes you have to just BS things, as others have suggested, by holding some work back from your big flow-state pushes, or by dithering around with words like "I looked into...". It sounds like your standups are more about making management feel better than they are about engineers removing obstacles from each other. That's a hard problem to solve and probably outside the scope of what you can affect. Just do the best you can to survive and be successful in the situation you're in.

If I had any advice to give, it's to learn from how harmful and toxic this pattern is, and as you move up into seniority and management, make efforts to not repeat this mistake. Standup should be a time to discuss how the TEAM is making progress on delivering value to customers, not a time to compare individual efforts against each other. Managers should be involved enough in the lives of their teams to be able to make disciplinary or promotional calls for individual contributors without standup being where they receive that signal.

Note that according to Scrum-in-theory the managers shouldn't even be at the daily standup. The entire purpose is coordination between the developers. You say "I am working on X" so that people who know or do something relevant to X are reminded to tell you about it (after the standup). Also, once in a while two people accidentally start working on the same thing (maybe the first one forgets to assign the ticket to themselves), and at the standup this becomes obvious.

However, Scrum-in-practice is usually something quite different.

I visit the HN site very rarely. I mostly see HN links via the Panda browser plugin. I open stories I'm interested in, which then leads to tab hell, but that is at least a defined list I can work through vs. the infinite scroll problem. YMMV.

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