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Although in general I also count the difference in months on my fingers, this particular example from March to September just automatically pops a "six" because they are both ends of financial quarters. "Three months after Feb?" I need to count. "Three months after March? That's the next quarter, so June."

How do I manage my account once created? I don't see any link to change my password, etc.

sorry, changing password is not yet implemented. Besides that, there really isn't much of a profile. You only have a username and a password. There's no email or anything else.

No they are not. The GtkMenuBar widget got dropped because a replacement already exists. Another comment below provided the reference:


I wish the GP would clarify this particular confusion in their comment! The way it stands, the comment makes these projects sound outright whimsical, which is clearly not true.

> for example, the printing functionality that was moved from libgnomeprint (or whatever it was called) into GTK3 is staying (which makes sense), but menu bars (which have been in GTK since the beginning) are going away because GNOME doesn't use them anymore.

You make it sound like menu bars are removed from GTK4. But I read the article multiple times to find where it says so. From what I understood, menu bars will stay in GTK4 but will not be represented in libadwaita because GNOME doesn't need them.

I read it as "fubs were small partitions, but now with the latch boundaries dissolved between fubs, the partitions are bigger (containing flops from many fubs)".

If I am not mistaken, the first sentence mentions what the GP commenter has, while the second sentence talks about what's mentioned in the article. You seem to be conflating the two.

EDIT: s/argument/article/

The pessimist in me thinks that the people going to Mars will end up bringing with them the same prejudices and the same ineffective laws anyway. It would be great if they could really "start over", as in build society from scratch, make it much more fluid the way David Graeber claimed it was way back in human history.

> The article is not about GNOME. It is about GNOME 3.

The article title literally mentions "GNOME and GNOME 3".

It looks like a deliberate decision to not explain the term until the very end ... a tongue-in-cheek demonstration of the problem being described. They eventually give the expansion towards the very end, but that too is obfuscated by putting it as an HTML abbr tag.

Yeah, I got about 3 paragraphs into it, then did a search for a11y, then just closed the page.

It's hard for me to say this without wondering if I am being rude, but did you mean to say "dig down"? At least to me, "to dig in" means to prepare for a long-drawn confrontation (like an argument or a battle). Maybe I am wrong, but my brain just wouldn't let me go on to the next comment without pointing it out.

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