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I recommend you read Melancholy Elephants, a short novel on copyright by Spider Robinson, I read it years ago and it stuck in my brain http://www.spiderrobinson.com/melancholyelephants.html you might like it

Btw, Apple's speech recognition can work completely offline, on-device. Not sure about Google or Microsoft, though.

Is this the case with Apple iCloud Photo Library, too?

In the article:

"Apple announced plans last year to scan the iCloud for known sexually abusive depictions of children, but the rollout was delayed indefinitely after resistance from privacy groups."

Wasnt that the whole point of building hash database of encrypted child abuse content with Apple?

As did email with PGP before it /sarcasm off

I run a small boutique outsource software development company, 11 developers, 2 managers. We have a 4-day work week, async communications, etc., etc. Pay is not great, but we compensate with sanity a lot.

It is possible, just keep looking! :)

As far as I know, US does not. I am pretty sure you think Europe, where ID cards/residence permits are smart cards with PKI built in.

I'm sure there are ways to authenticate yourself digitally in a strong fashion in the USA as well, with online banks maybe?

In any case, lacking that, one could just walk into a Google office with a passport there. There are official ways to do authentication if these corporations really cared.

This should be made into NFT!

I got down the rabbit hole (20 open tabs at 1AM local time, you know) and it seems most of the 'normal' software like Operating Systems & Devtools are classified as 'mass market' and are subject only to 'Anti-Terrorism enforcement', meaning you cannot sell them only to Iran and couple other countries.

Meaning NSO Group could not buy tech to build nuclear warheads in their backyard, but otherwise they are good to use any 'usual' US-made software.

Other commenters say it is significantly harder for companies in that list to banks because of that list. Is that true?

Would you please elaborate on emotions which are more apparent then before? In email s@samat.me if not in public.


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