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1) all these enums should be enum class 2) magic_enum is very limited. Not only slow but the limit of enum values makes it impractical to use for something like vulkan

> These systems are built around models that have built-in biases [...] (if you ask it to create a picture of an entrepreneur, for example, you will likely see more pictures featuring men than women

How is that a bias? That's reality

You should revise the meaning of "bias". Bias does not mean an unfair thing that is not reflected in reality.

`reality we don't like

most people don't know that stars are bought

real-world cpp lives together with static analysis, which obviously catches this

Those uninformed C++ bashes are misplaced

> Those uninformed C++ bashes are misplaced

I'm a current daily Rust user and former C++ user. The opinion is formed of my own experience.

So why don't you rewrite the emulator in rust, then? Seems like it would be right up your alley, and rust is only used to create inferior rewrites of existing software anyway.

You were so close to having a witty reply but then bungled it in the last part.

That's why they chose C++ over Rust, because your experience lacks writing a Switch emulator

the whole point is that covid is no big deal. It's at best a minor flu at this point. People "contracting Covid" are irrelevant

While I do think CCC made the wrong call here, probably ending Congress for good, let's just assume that the kind of people who attend Congress may not be the most healthy of the bunch to begin with.

12ms to 6ms is not 2xfaster. It's 1x faster or 2 times as fast

If you go for C++, don't start lower than C++20. MSVC has a chunk of C++23 done already

I wonder if the headline would be the same if another group was the target.

all non-leftie viewpoints are banned here, so that point is moot. Also he is right, this is a blatant call for censorship.

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