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HA this guy. For years he went on and on and on about my first start-up idea and not in a positive way.

In 2007 I created The Social Alarm Clock (was my 1st idea on the web) and asked for feedback here. This Matt guy, hated the concept and said so in my Ask HN posted in 2007. Yet it didnt end there, he continued his hate for it in many HN posts throughout the years and even blogged about in 2011 or 2012.

HA, it had an impact on him.

Well, we have moved onto to our second idea and unfortunately I don't think http://SpeakerBlast.com (Turn a crowd & their devices into a huge stereo) is going to have the same effect on Matt. Though maybe...

Cheers, Matt, Cheers!

What's even worse that it automatically connected to Picasso which I must have used 5 or more years ago for some very private photos. When I signed up to google plus I was shocked to see these photos my ex gave me. There were under albums. I was horrified. I think connecting ur Picassa account to google plus was a bad decision. I never used it minus that one time years ago.

Fortunately I deleted them upon finding them a day later. Luckily I only had a few friends in my circle at the time.

Overall I'm not using it. I still use Facebook until everyone moves onto g plus.

When I signed up I remember they asked if I wanted to link to picassa, and all my photos where private until I actually shared them with a circle.

Anyone know what is being taught regarding technolgy and the Internet in the us elementary and high school systems? Is Internet 101 a mandatory class that teaches these basics and some HTML? I sure hope so!

Will these type of clueless users always exist?

Not so amazing as Skype nor Vonage match the phone experience as neither take control of your dialer nor run in the background. If Skype is closed your phone won't ring and your calls will be missed.


"You keep it hidden because for every 1 person who takes your advice and helps you out there are 5 who will write you off as a serious person for the rest of your life.

Edit: I'm not saying this is right/wrong, but there are real consequences to outing oneself as a depressive."

What are the consequences? After dealing with OCD and social anxiety issues from 18 to 28, I finally started to open up and talk about these oddities that conflicted me to others. What I learned is most people I talk to all dealt with something similar. These were just random people I met at work, friends and family members. I wish I talked about what conflicted me before I was 28, I would have been able to enjoy that 10 year span of my life more.

What I am saying is don't think you are alone, think you are crazy the one dealing with ocd, social anxieties, depression - the majority has been there and when you learn/realize that we are the same a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders. In other words talk talk talk about your problems, oddities (obessesive thoughts or actions), social anxieties and depressive thoughts until you are blue in the face. If people are going to look down on you for being a depressive screw them, they are hiding behind their own wall of B.S. - no one is perfect and everyone has dealt with something from the above in various degrees before!

My condolences to Dan's family and friends.

How about news sites charging say $12 bucks a yr. for iPhone centric versions of their site?

Reading Hacker News & other news sites on the iPhone is not the greatest experience! A lot of sites could charge for this and in turn offer a better UX for a nominal charge & in turn have another revenue model, that's easy to create & advertise!

Currently - http://sleep.fm and some other things too, soon to be released.

Glad to see that you're still around and still kicking it, with a better looking webpage.

Love the UI!

It does look quite snazzy.

Thanks everyone!

We (http://sleep.fm) redirect IE6 users to an older version of the site that has less features.

Not sure, if that's suffice for this campaign or not?

Do you make these users aware that's what you're doing, and that their experience on the site would be better in a modern browser?

I think the point of this campaign is to make IE6 users aware (if they aren't already) that they're using an obsolete browser.

I've never had trouble sleeping but in my start-up journey the alarm clock and working to improve it has become part of my life. Most people just want to hear a noise, like an mp3; maybe because that's what they are use to. FOr us we want you to hear a 5 seconds of information that tells you to go back to sleep(i.e. heavy snow) or helps u with day ahead (flight's canceled).

Do people want such a fancy alarm wake up sound; we hope so!

I want one that is easy to set when I'm damned tired, ready to go to bed, and realize that I have to set my alarm. Once in a hotel, I used a Sony alarm clock that had a big on/off switch and two dials, one for hour of day and another for minutes (in 5 min increments). It was really hard to screw up. Unfortunately, I can't find one anywhere.

Interesting idea. Actually, I don't want to know that on waking up unless it's really urgent. I'd rather read it, because I don't like noise in the morning.

What I would like is an alarm clock with a graduated volume control, as opposed to the silence followed by loud noise that usually prevails, and which is guaranteed to put me in a pissy mood. Mrs Browl has a blackberry, which sounds so obnoxious out of the box I had to insist on changing the alarm sound.

So you don't use an alarm clock that uses noise to wake you?

We have made the noise extremely short and it repeats til you stop it. This weekend I was gonna go on a hike that was 2 hours away with some friends. Forecast woke me saying hot with thunderstorms. In my slumber and fumble to stop noise I only grasped one point - thunderstorms and went back to sleep! 2 hours to hike in thunderstorms no thanks.

Ah, what I meant was one that starts quiet and gets gradually louder, as opposed to one that SUDDENLY GOES OFF AT FULL VOLUME. I do like the sleep.fm idea though.

The Zen alarm clock was popular a while back. It basically wakes you up with a series of gradually more frequent chimes.

It's good-looking too:


A Social Alarm Clock :)

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