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I think "charge points per EV" (or similar) would also be a useful metric to have.

> literally nothing in the observed universe does

There are many things on earth that don't exist anywhere else in the universe (as far as we know). Life is one of them. Just think how unfathomably complex human brains are compared to what's out there in space.

Just because something doesn't exist anywhere in the universe doesn't mean that humans can't create it (or humans can't create a machine that creates something that doesn't exist anywhere else) even if it might seem unimaginably complex.

> Just think how unfathomably complex human brains are compared to what's out there in space.

There are plenty of complex phenomena in space, but I don’t need to go that far.

Some other animal brains act like ours, at least as far as we can observe.

There is nothing anywhere that grows exponentially forever.

> "AI security"

It looks like the aim of SSI is building safe AI, not just working on safety/security of AI. Both the article and their website [1] state this.

[1] https://ssi.inc

I've just updated my Firefox and I got the options in about:config to enable vertical tabs.

sidebar.revamp and sidebar.verticalTabs need to be set to true.

I haven't see the movie (only a few clips), but I enjoyed hearing this analogy from Steve Jobs himself in many of his interviews [0].

Just checked the part [1] of the movie where Michael Fassbender talks about the bicycle of the mind. He is a very good actor but it's hard to match the energy and the electric focus of Steve Jobs.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmuP8gsgWb8

[1] https://youtu.be/BZYZlzIMVw8?si=u8X_mc4BX62ypRZw&t=98

Smartphones in the same class as the S24 Ultra are marvels of engineering. The fact that we no longer think how amazing modern technology is and instead focus solely on their intended functions is a testament to how much we as a civilization have achieved.

Given the size of Apple and the amount of business they are likely to generate for OpenAI, they might be one of the (if not _the_) most non-regular customers of OpenAI.

> it's iOS only

It's available on macOS as well: https://kagi.com/orion/#download_sec

Sorry, should've said Apple only.

> junk (i.e. non-functional DNA)

Perhaps people should use the term "non-functional DNA" instead of "junk DNA" more often. Calling something as "junk" has unnecessarily dismissive connotations.

Even non-functional isn't nearly as good as "genetic data with unknown function or expression".

Non-coding DNA (ncDNA) seems good to me. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-coding_DNA)

That's a very different concept. There's a lot of non-coding DNA that has never been considered non-functional/junk.

They should call it non-translating-to-protein-but-probably-has-some-function DNA

Or UCO... unidentified coding object.

I wonder whether there might be a bidirectional connection between the ear and the brain. For example, the brain creates some internal activity, which in turn stimulates the more outer components of the auditory system.

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