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you are simultaneously complaining about your loss, doing nothing to stop it, and postulating either that you cannot sell(?) or that continuing to seek rent will ultimately be a net profit for you.

I'm not sure what you want to hear.

SSA is more of a control flow representation and is broadly orthogonal to register allocation--you can use graph coloring to allocate registers in SSA and you can do linear scan forms of allocation without SSA.

Typically, when you are talking to a lawyer, you have signed a contract, paid a retainer, and have an explicit hourly rate negotiated for interactions with that specific firm.

Yeah, and typically when you do the same with a doctor the fee you pay has been negotiated with your insurance provider. This is no worse than anything else billing-related in healthcare.

>This is no worse than anything else billing-related in healthcare.

I don't think I've ever seen a lower bar.

I agree. Im just saying that this is not uniquely bad or unfair in context.

A good starting point is speech synthesis, particularly diphone synthesis

I'm having a hard time imagining eating like this. Can you describe a meal you might eat?

increased red blood cell count = increased capacity to carry oxygen = increased aerobic endurance

> The issue is: I'm sick and tired of apps that want your web credentials. I want an app that doesn't share anything about me. Completely local.

Anki does not require your web credentials, so it's very well suited for you!

You can create an account if you want to sync your decks between computers or to your phone. It is not necessary or required.

You can also run your own sync server so you can get the benefit of multi-device syncing without needing to use the free provided service.


Excellent. Thanks.

The change went into effect in July 2022--and failed to be reversed in December 2022.

https://layoffs.fyi/ shows a sizeable uptick in the number of companies with layoffs since mid 2022, with more of an uptick in early 2023.

This does not include the 1km+ underground passageway you can take (exit E1) that takes you all the way through Shinjuku Sanchome station and then out near Golden Gai. I know it's technically a different station but you can get there without ever going above ground.

Pens (pencils too!) and paper make sense because of the fine detail/relatively high stroke count required to write even some common kanji legibly

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