Yes, that's the trade-off here basically. The experience of browsing/searching/selecting a movie to then switch DNS is quite paintful, but works on TV. Smartflix is one-click-play, but doesn't.
But you are definitely right when saying that most people watch Netflix on TV.
Maybe you could set your software up so people can configure their router to point at the computer with your software so other devices can access it as the dns server?
There are already plenty of services offering smart DNS solutions (Unotelly, unblockus), I think I will stay in my corner with my simple click-and-play desktop app :)
But yeah, your solution would definitely work, but would be impossible to understand/setup for the non-techy users.
The helper app is there to update proxies for requests while watching a movie. As soon as you stop playing the movie it removes that specific proxy rule. It is better and safer than the common "smart DNS" trick because it does not route nor intercept requests to other domains.
Also, I will remove this helper in the incoming version (found a better way).
I'm using Spam is the reason WhatsApp tries to take down these unofficial API, Whatsy is more of a bot and doesn't really bother anyone.
Below is a quick pitch, feedback REALLY appreciated.
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But you are definitely right when saying that most people watch Netflix on TV.