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To be fair, Apple forces you to use their proprietary hardware and software.

This means you must join the Apple ecosystem to compete, even if you strongly disagree with their practices.

Governments are strong. Wow.

I forget the influence until I see things like this.

This is good that you are calling this out.

I've seen non-science in Healthcare, and I've spoke out against it. I don't really understand why people are stubborn when there is data, and the data is solid.

If I could wish anything in software engineering- follow the data.

I worry a company will bait and switch with me. I have seen products get discontinued.

But yes, this is outsourcing a problem for a cost.

This is USD?

I know it seems like a doomsday scenerio, but if the US goes through a moderate hyperinflation, do these companies die?

If the economy was hyper-inflating large institutions and corporations would be the first to trade their cash for other securities and assets like real estate.

Okay, but what happens when it gets below 0% with QE5?

Thats when Bitcoin hits 6 figures, or thats what the libertarian in me has been saying for a decade.

I bought an $800 gaming laptop 6 years ago, formatted everything and installed windows. Handles 100% of my dev work inc emulators and media editing.

If I could recommend something, it would be to look for similar. A SSD + Name Brand Video Card in any laptop will be fine.

Useful note for today is that reinstalling Win10 on a device that already has a license is usually very easy - it automatically detects the motherboard serial or whatever and doesn't even ask for anything.

Is this an actual risk? you would need to guess a link.

Serious question

This is actually a pretty common type of report to public bug bounty programs. ("Anyone can see your private data if they can guess the GUID in the URL".)

Barring something extraordinary, it would be acknowledged as intentional behavior and classified wontfix. For most purposes, no, this is not an actual risk.

The Earth will be swallowed by the sun before you guess that GUID.

Ah, but if you network a bunch of cloud computing resources to guess in parallel...

Sorry, bad bug bounty memories. ;)

What if, like, you had a quantum computer that could guess every password simultaneously? Checkmate, nerd. Give me my bounty.

Read the article?

> How could the ‘secret’ link end up in the wrong hands? Some possibilities:

    1. An email thread / document with a link to the photo or album is forwarded or shared with the wrong person, or accidentally posted somewhere public.
    2. The recipient naturally thinks the link is only works for them (as would be the case for Drive) and doesn’t take care to prevent it becoming public.
    3. Links sent by emails are semi-public because they move across the internet unencrypted and are simple to intercept. It’s only OK to link to sensitive things by email if the recipient needs to be logged in to actually view them.
    4. A database of these links is one day leaked or hacked, or people figure out a pattern in how the ‘secret’ URLs are generated.
    5. Someone’s emails or other documents are hacked or leaked, with the link in them.

> But again arbitrarily punishing or helping some corporations opens up the possibility of corruption and corporate meddling as corporations look for favors.

Like it or not, but this is designed into politics.

Its just as dirty and evil as it sounds.

I don't understand what you are looking for.

Do you want your folders to be organized/displayed different?

Or you want this integrated without having to download an app?

Not looking for anything :)

To come back to the photos example, by default Android has a Document picker. Its .. bad. Unless you are picking a picture you have just taken, you won't be able to find what you are looking for.

At the very least, either allowing apps to respond to the search intent in order to allow them to handle the search however they want or at least delegating this task to one app (like Google Photo) that already has a good search feature.

More generally, I am not a big fan of exposing the file system to end users. It is relatively convenient for power users, but for all the other users it is a complete mystery.

For pretty long, Android has toyed with the idea of doing something else. Hiding away the file system as an implementation detail users don't need to know and offering a document based interface instead.

Whether this could work or not has remained unanswered though .. their implementation is so half assed that it is barely worth mentioning.

As far as I've been able to figure out it's the only way to create albums in the photo gallery. Bizarre, and I have to think I'm wrong, but I haven't been able to find anything to contradict it.

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