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Wow. 2% of Google comes from MIT! Google rocks!!!


Bravo, Google, but it's a bit obvious :)

Yeah, and you have to wonder why Kindergartners make better journalists than ...

Kind of off-topic, but I don't really understand what Node.js is about until this presentation.

http://jsconf.eu/2009/video_nodejs_by_ryan_dahl.html http://s3.amazonaws.com/four.livejournal/20091117/jsconf.pdf

You don't have to be this rude :)

Some people use Java in spite of the language: they just like the vast libraries.

did it have all these libs 10 years ago too?

It looks like an entry about what Java can learn from Erlang.

It's not about learning Erlang.

I am pretty sure Java guys know quite well about various memory models. But early Java was kind of experimental, so backward compatibility affects what they can change now.

Is hightscalablility.com really the best place to start?

I'd thought that reading some classic distributed computing books is a must.

No, it should make you feel proud -- understanding the world through 26 (or other small numbers of) alphabets.

(Speaking as an asian.)

OK. Vaporware does not matter.

I think we all know that :)

You may want to include page views of wiki page in other (human) languages.

Here's the top 20 list for the German Wikipedia:

1. PHP (32519)

2. Java (31965)

3. C (27128)

4. C++ (24163)

5. JavaScript (22146)

6. Visual Basic (16598)

7. Python (15463)

8. C# (13792)

9. Visual Basic for Applications (9302)

10. Perl (9204)

11. Assembler (9084)

12. Brainfuck (8254)

13. Objective-C (8202)

14. BASIC (7209)

15. Ruby (7115)

16. PostScript (6633)

17. ABAP (6192)

18. FORTRAN (5984)

19. Visual Basic Script (5887)

20. Pascal (5803)

Right. But they does not claim HoneyComb is open source.

(They does not deny it outright though. That's little devilish (evilish not a word!), but I can sympathy with them)

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