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If they gor the voice anyway why did they contact her?

Ummm...how exactly?

The only things you could do to make them money are paying for it, clicking on ads, or working there. Looking at ads without clicking costs them.

I recommend you look into ad "impressions" and the compensation model.

Clicking an ad is not the only way it is monitized.

They have both but it's mostly billed per click/app install/follow/video watch. The "brand awareness" advertisers already left except for like, Saudi Arabia.

Can ID be mapped to IMEI and by extension SIM or mobile number? If yes, then it can be resolved to individuals.

It can not.

The master private key used by the system is generated locally and never leaves your Apple devices in a state that anyone except your devices can read it.

The master key is used to derive an AirTag specific private key which is provisioned to the AirTag and is in turn combined with an increasing counter which generates a third private key that's never stored anywhere. The ID broadcast is the public key of this third key. It changes every 30 minutes or 1 hour, I forget which.

Other devices see this key, use it to encrypt their own location, and upload that encrypted blob along with the public key to Find My, and in order for Apple to even know which account the encrypted blob they can't decrypt belongs to I have to actually request the location of my AirTag by locally deriving the keypair it used for a certain point in time.

No, the "Find My" identifiers cannot be mapped to an IMEI except by the user to whose account the device is registered.

The sprectrum for mental illness is too broad that anyone can fit into it one way or another.

Not all mentally ill person are movitvated as these evil few.

But AMD doesnt package everything in one big die.

Is that directly relevant to the consumer? The M1 architecture seems to be fairly sustainable. Intel, not so much.

It is, because I can buy a framework laptop w/ 64GB ram, 2 TB SSD and these latest Ryzen chips for half the cost of a macbook pro with similar addons.

That 64GB RAM isn’t also VRAM though. Not exactly a direct comparison.

My understanding is that the only reason dGPUs generally don’t use system RAM isn’t that they don’t have access, but that the supporting software doesn’t use it out of choice because the of the speed hit (iGPUs, of course, do generally use system RAM as VRAM.)

> My understanding is that the only reason dGPUs generally don’t use system RAM isn’t that they don’t have access, but that the supporting software doesn’t use it out of choice because the of the speed hit

It looks like one of the advantages of Apples put-everything-on-the-package strategy is that they can have a very wide bus to ram, which makes using system ram for the GPU much more palatable.

Isn't the main difference that Apple is building something like 4-16 channel memory controllers in a mobile device while you normally don't get more than 2-4 channels even on a desktop? That's a lot of transistors and (potentially) power usage but if you can get on the latest node and have a market willing to pay for giant chips it lets you get impressive amounts of bandwidth.

I don't think you need the RAM to be on the same package for that, it just makes the timings easier.

dGPUs do have access to system RAM. It's goes over the PCIe bus and because of that is too slow for direct usage.

It is in a Framework or any other low-power system that doesn't use a discrete GPU.

half? not likely

The "Apple tax" isn't really a thing for midrange specs any more, but they will absolutely charge you out the nose to max things out. The top-end macs are targeted at people who won't even notice if the laptop's price is doubled.

We notice… but grumble and pay it because we’ve justified it to ourselves. There are of course outliers with heaps of money that don’t care about the cost, but few businesses are so cavalier with cashflow as to not notice and check why someone is buying a $7k laptop or $25k desktop

They charge you out the nose even to do small upgrades. $200 for bumping the SSD from 256GB to 512GB and $200 to go to 16GB RAM. You can easily find brand name good PCIe Gen 4 2TB NVMe drives for less than $200 now.

Yes, I am not exaggerating. The Framework came to around $1.8k and the Macbook Pro came to ~ $3.9k. The only compromise with the Framework is that it is a 13" screen and the Macbook pro is a 14". But that's because Apple only offers up to 24GB ram on the 13".

I think we can’t make claims about “fairly sustainable” until it’s been around for more than two releases.

It is relevant to the benchmarks which are used in ads

Higher prices doesnt mean higher margin. But they can benefit from own brands.

Interesting. I wonder if ChatGPT can be fed data from JIRA or feature ticket implemented by the commit. This could give us the "why"

Joplin is my personal wiki

is regenerative agriculture different from permaculture?

yes. poor planning

These questions are all part of the actual planning. If the engineer does not participate in planning, and plan is enforced without any feedback, then the planning is poor.

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