- “On June 25, 2013, Dylan Field, one of my favorite interns from LinkedIn dropped by Wealthfront headquarters in Palo Alto to catch up and get some advice about his new startup, https://figma.com/.”
- “The best solution for a problem five years ago may not be the the best solution today, and it very likely won’t be the best solution five years from now. As a result, young engineers approaching problems for the first time can sometimes see opportunities that the most experienced can’t.”
That’s exactly how I feel. I tried to use some Adobe’s products but I failed because all of them have a steep learning cure and their UI/UX are complicated too. By contrast, Figma made my life easier.
Read source code of libraries using in your current projects. It helps you to understand them more and improve your coding skills. You can start with a small feature, an API, a util or a configuration.
I love self hosting but very concern about reliability, security and stability of these systems, e.g. outage, disk crash, out of memory… Looking forward to seeing more articles about these problems.
- “The best solution for a problem five years ago may not be the the best solution today, and it very likely won’t be the best solution five years from now. As a result, young engineers approaching problems for the first time can sometimes see opportunities that the most experienced can’t.”