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Why do you have notifications enabled during the middle of the night?


Not everyone is neurotypical.

If you're on iPhone, just use Screen Time and have someone else you trust set the PIN.

TikTok, rather famously, barely considers social graphs at all.

> the worst is youtube. You can live without social media but YT has become such a cornerstone that you cannot even uninstall it.

Abjectly false.

What apps or websites were sucking your time so much that you felt the need to do this?

I mean… look who they hired.

So… you cheated.

The Game has rules. Playing by the rules is not cheating.

When the adversary is AI, gamesmanship is a subset of sportsmanship rather than a a disjoint set.

In tabletop games, they call that being a "munchkin"

The spirit of the rules must be honored. If you wanted to play spreadsheets with story, play Pathfinder. If you want an inclusive story-driven board game where everyone can win, play 5E. IF you wanted to roleplay, than maybe something like FATE. If you wanted creativity, try Cypher (random tangent: Cypher is on sale on Humble Bundle now)

But if you're a roleplayer and join a Pathfinder game, you shouldn't just go around accusing everyone having fun of being munchkins.

If you join a company that's using AI to filter resumes, you shouldn't be surprised when they're using AI to determine promotions. And any attempt to change that system would be pushed back on, because you're playing against the spirit of the rules.

I find 5th edition players tend to tunnel vision on min/maxing and resource management, 5th short rest today? The power curve is also really steep.

IMO 2nd edition is generally the better choice if you want less crunch. It’s more random, but IMO memorable deaths are better than forgettable gameplay.

White wolf lets you play something meaningfully non human which can be fun. Play a short or long lived race in D&D and surprisingly few things change. Play a Mummy, changeling, werewolf, or even vampire and you’ll notice. A Vampire player quickly starts looking at baseline humans as food, it’s appropriate and kind of wild.

Kobayashi Maru.

No one's looking for AI that's only as smart as the dumbest humans.

Non sequitur. That isn't what any of the current critiques of Google are about.

You sure? Cause this sure looks to me like:

User: Hey, AI. I have a question for you that only has a direct answer in an article from The Onion.

AI: Here is a direct answer from that article in The Onion.

The Onion: Look! AI is so dumb it quoted the answer we gave to a question no one else would ever even consider writing about!

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