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Authy has one superb feature: you can switch a toggle to lick/unlock accessing a vault from new devices.

quite handy and can further increase security (trading it of course with lack of recovery would you lost all your devices).

Interesting, thanks for sharing!

this is not industry-imposed regulations. this is not industry.

this is single party ToS atmost.

Do not whitewash harmfull practice as the law.

> Do not whitewash harmfull practice as the law.

You say that as if "The Law" is not already a set of whitewashed harmful practices.

In this article using it is very MISLEADING, exactly as Closi writes above.

Exercise: compare net profit of Visa/Master card to net profit of those "highly profitable" saas marvels.

Exercise two: compare gross profits of them.

Result: whole paragraph turns not being true while not aligned with the article opinion and showing actually opposite :-D

p.s. I do agree with the overall article :)

> Taking VC cash is very often a game of deciding whether you want to gamble it all on faster growth or take less risk for less cash, but with the additional caveat that the investors you take on often will cheer for the "gamble it all" option as they have many parallel bets while you as the founder has one.

This shall be printed in block letters in a red frame ahead of most Paul Graham essays about milk, honey and richies in startup land.

He and VCs push theirs agenda because he has hundreds of bets, while founder has one.

They play different game and are quite quiet about it.

Sure, it ought to be clearer, but apart from maybe the first time, I still would have taken VC cash because it allowed us to do things we otherwise wouldn't have been able to try, and it was a fun ride. Even without any large exits, if you negotiate then you can still come out very well.

But, yes, people ought to go into it understanding which game they're playing, and understanding that your odds are different. Not least because it might make a difference in how you judge advice from your investors.

(There's also only one decision I regret us making due to investors being too willing to take risks; in retrospect I was firmly proven right but whether the board vote going the other way would have made a financial difference in the long run I can't say)

I don't have necessary knowledge to explain this, yet while using gpt4 to help me parse the abstract, gpt4 without missing a heartbeat, changed it to "Insolation refers to the amount of stellar energy a planet receives on its surface. The value "0.67s" indicates that TOI-715 b receives 67% of the solar energy Earth receives from the Sun. "

Wiki ref check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_irradiance

Friend of mine has 3 yrs old. The "dolphin" is in constant use by the child. "What is he doing now?" " Let's check what dolphin is playing with today". "What does it say" "Does he miss me?" "Let's play with him".

It quickly became pal of the child.

Friend told that is one in top 5 toys of the child now :)

Yep. they're in deeeep panic mode due to AI.

They're currently sending, massive unsolicited e-mail campaign to all (sic!) stackoverflow users. Message they're sending below. Please find 6 places where they try to address AI directly and indirectly :)

Stack Overflow is investing heavily in enhancing the developer experience across our products, using AI and other technology, to get people to solutions faster.

As part of that initiative, we’ve launched Stack Overflow Labs.

Here is where we’ll share our experiments, demos, insights, and news - across all Stack Overflow products. We plan to continually add to this site as we experiment and release new solutions. You can sign up to get previews and early access to features that will be available on stackoverflow.com.

Our guiding principles for Stack Overflow Labs

Find new ways to give technologists more time to create amazing things. Accuracy is fundamental. That comes from attributed, peer-reviewed sources that provide transparency. The coding field should be accessible to all, including beginners to advanced users. Humans should always be included in the application of any new technology.

Very interesting -- had not seen that. Indeed, I think they could do with a bit of a makeover. Their ad platform is also terrible, way worse than Twitter's, so it is both good and bad that they're feeling a bit of a pinch I suppose.

more than that the platform is the more aggressive in the worst way possible, or your ask so specific about weird behavior that nobody responds or they say this already bean asking even if not(because some mods don't read what they ban), they block conversation with hundreds of votes, they practically insult the post writer for “not knowing”, i'm happy if they start changing the nefarious moderation scheme, im 100 % more likely of making the same question in reddit than in stackoverflow people are kind, because moderation encourage that, that would totally increase the use of their platform lots more than this.

Indeed, asking the wrong question is like being fed to the wolves..


Cost of implementing better process for all carpenters is significantly higher, than all carpenters still using bad process + _one_ AI being able to clean it for carpenter, plumber, translator, developer (you name it, you got it).

Not even entering laziness/corposlowness gardens etc.

This is an misunderstanding of how processes typically work for a couple of reasons. For one, it assumes the "cost of implementing better process for all carpenters is significantly higher". This may be the case for Tao, where he has limited control over the inputs, but probably not the case for the woodworking analogy, for a variety of reasons. You are essentially advocating for "rework" to fix problems which is considered a unnecessary waste in process design.

"Corposlowness" is just another name for "bad processes". It supports the claim rather than negates it. Using AI to overcome bad bureaucracy makes it a workaround, not an idealized process. What often happens when implementing workarounds rather than good processes is that the workaround can create bloat and waste of its own and overtime, not really fix the problem. Like hiring more administrators for a large organization, they can take on a life of their own, eventually becoming divorced from the problem they were intended to solve.

Again, I'm not saying that AI is misapplied in Tao's case. I'm just cautioning that it's not a panacea for bad processes. In many ways, it can be misused as a band-aid for bad processes, just like creating excess inventory is a band-aid for bad quality control.

So true. SJW at its finest :-(

I helped a friend to create home storage with two units (redudancy) of gnubee PC1 (2.5" drives), and setup is ultra useful, fast, low power and reliable (contrary to sibling comments ;) -> highly recommend it.

Usage (few years of happy usage):

* openwrt custom build with patches

* FDE for all drives using linux cryptsetup, including custom patches for cryptoengine (critical)

* big (read x TB) repos served by locally (on gnubee) run syncthing

* big files served for local media devices over ksmbd, (read 4k streams ;)

* drives in raid1 (linux mdraid)

ultra low power for 24/7, with 90% of energy budget for drives.

Highly recommended! But yes, I agree that it required tinkering, skills and time to set up.

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