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I learned so so much, as I'm sure many others here have too, from your GameBoy emulator series. Thank you!!!

Some favorites from my two over the past couple years:


- Marble Maze (PRESCHOOL1)

- Lego Duplo (everyone loves these!)

- Stomp rocket (TODDLER, PRESCHOOL1)

- Books (PRESCHOOL2): Ivy & Bean, Zoey and Sassafras, but anything really depending on the kid

High Availability, I believe.

I love PG and I remember buying a Kindle 15 years ago just so I could read books from PG.

To this I would add https://www.fadedpage.com/ which is like Project Gutenberg, but for works in the Canadian public domain!

My kid loved Dora the Explorer. It asks kids to engage with it, so it feel like a more active experience than a show that's meant only to be watched. I used to watch it with her and we'd shout at the TV and jump around and even then it doesn't have that frenetic energy of a lot of other modern shows.

"The Splendid and the Vile" by Erik Larson

Perhaps Adyen (https://www.adyen.com/) would work for you?

I looked into Ayden and i can't register an account with the country i live in.

And sometimes you have small children who nap, allowing parents a small, often unpredictable, amount of time to exercise.

Either Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell or The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon.

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