"Did IBM fork Java when Oracle bought Sun? If so why isn't Oracle going after IBM"
IBM has had their own JDK implementation for more than 15 years. April 6th 1997 is about as close a date as I can find:
http://www.os2ezine.com/v2n7/javarev.htm (that's version 1.0.2, so it's probably even earlier).
IBM have a license and produced a fully compatible implementation. Before Oracle bought BEA (who bought JRockit) there was also another independent commercial JDK implementation in addition to the IBM and Sun/Oracle ones.
Complaining about java as a language for providing a namespace feature that's basically identical to every other language just shows a want to hate on Java.
It's OK to build hierarchies of modules. It's not OK to make them deeper than needed and violate YAGNI with sparse hierarchies prepared for situations that'll never arise. Not all programmers fall into this trap, but due to IDE support, Java developers are specially vulnerable because, for them, it costs nothing - programs do the job of keeping everything neatly over-organized.
I don't hate Java. In fact, along with Python and C, it's one of my favorite (and more used) languages. But I do realize it has a huge potential for being abused in horrible ways.
I really don't see why there is a need for everyone and their dog to respond to Yegge's rambling blog post. Is language [X] conservative or liberal is now littering the HN front page.