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Agree with all points made. Especially with the first point (engineer hiring tends to be one dimensional) as well as the “your company is who you hire” point - and even the google example given for that point. Google is great at software. No one writes better software than google hands down, but what you/they learn is that it’s not always about how good you code (else GCP would be the #1 cloud platform). Great write up

"No one writes better software than google hands down"

When was the last time you worked within Google?

I think you’re being downvoted because of that very first sentence (no matter how much I hate the guy, laying the blame 100% on his frail shoulders seems a bit hyperbolic).

But I don’t see what’s downvotable (if not agreeable) about the rest of what was said

In defense of my first statement: There's really nobody else to blame that I can see. Perhaps incompetence in the FDA and CDC management, but those are his people, not the rank and file. This is all had management and ignoring expertise, and there is only one person to blame for that.

Other countries with more developed healthcare systems and more competent leadership are staving this off quickly, which will let them return to full economic activity much more quickly with proper covid surveillance and tracking.

Here in the US, others have stepped up in the absence of the usual leadership that is provided by federal monitoring agencies. It's like we were attacked by invading ground forces, but the president had fired all the generals down to the lieutenants. We have other private individuals stepping up to our defense, but the normal defense infrastructure has been gutted.

As a regular of WSB, this article is just absolutely absurd. Which I guess is the regular for Bloomberg these days (seemingly the Buzzfeed of business news it appears). All you'll find on WSB is a bunch of homophobic bored desk workers. The idea that subreddit of only a few thousand guys (mostly) with an extra $500 to blow on meme stocks can move a stock in _any_ significant way is laughable.

Yeah, I was under the impression that ~95% of posters on WSB don't actually day trade and are just there to meme and laugh at the trolling/idiocy. The other 5% are the fools YOLOing their college loans.

The charm of the subreddit is that it's hard to figure out who's who.

I agree. I used to frequent it years ago and from what I can still it’s still mostly memes...

+1 for the dope, minimalist design. +2 for the no shenanigans approach. Love it

Nothing about this actually is minimal. It's a highly stylized design that I guess "feels" minimal, but it utterly fails at actually being minimal.

Saying it "utterly fails" seems harsh, especially because you don't give any explanation. I don't think you can say it fails at all, the author never said it was an attempt at minimalism, or minimalism in the way you understand it.

The app has its own aesthetic. I think it's debatable whether it's minimalist or not. I don't think it's justifiable to say it "utterly fails" either way though.

Same here. It's incredibly striking to sort of see the pieces laid out in front of you, really _feel_ that they put together facts, but not have the glue you need to objectively/factually put them all together.

To me it feels like the "Israeli operative" scenario seems pretty legit.

Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of an alleged Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) operative. Coming from someone who hates conspiracy theories, I think this one isn't too far fetched.

And her father died by apparently "falling overboard off his yacht" (which was named "The Lady Ghislaine" after her!). Not at all suspicious.

Even more fun? You know who owns that yacht now? DJT.


Want even more fun? You know who sold Maxwell that yacht? Emad Khashoggi... Jamal Khashoggi's cousin.


Another of his cousins died with Princess Diana

This thread is nuts. I can't believe the connections.

>Even more fun? You know who owns that yacht now? DJT.

Any reference on that?

He's confused on the yachts (easy to do, I suppose). DJT bought Adnan Khashoggi's yacht. Emad is his cousin. Emad's yacht was bought by Maxwell. Adnan's yacht was bought by Trump, which was foreclosed upon a few years after he purchased it.

    Coming from someone who hates conspiracy 
    theories, I think this one isn't too far fetched.
Yeah, I agree.

Typically I don't believe conspiracy theories, on the simple grounds that large numbers of people can't keep secrets very well.

The Epstein thing kind of has that answer built in.

A rich guy became "untouchable" by throwing sex parties and gathering blackmail material on important people. That's pretty much the easiest thing in the world to believe. At some point it becomes a self-perpetuating thing. Nobody wants to investigate him because it's a potential career-ruiner.

And keep in mind that he didn't need direct evidence on you. You just need to attend one of his parties where bad things went down. Let's say he's got video evidence of Famous Persons A, B, and C doing something at the party that happened on a specific night. You were at the party too, but like 47 out of the 50 guests you did nothing wrong and had no idea wrongdoing was happening. Well, now you're scared too. Maybe Epstein directly threatens you. Puts you in the little black book or whatever. Or maybe not. Some underage teenager was being victimized, and you were there, and now you have a strong incentive to hope the whole thing blows over because you're terrified of being painted as an abuser even though you were just there for the free shrimp and cocktails.

To me, it seems like the kind of thing anybody with sufficient money could pull off. It's not exactly news that donating fat sums of money to various institutions gets you prestige and access to lots of influential people.

I don't have an opinion on the Mossad stuff one way or another. Seems plausible but as for a guess on the likelihood it's way over my pay grade.

IMO you've captured all the important aspects, and yeah whether it's Mossad or CIA or organized crime or Satan worshippers, or some combination of them, a.) Isn't really that important, because the effects of the network exerting its power are the same regardless, and b.) Is probably just meant to be an unproductive side question for people to waste time examining.

So what, could this be a key aspect of Israeli influence in the US? I mean, through entrapment of politicians.

I don't know anything about Mossad. But I do know that sexual blackmail was a key tool of the KGB. Along with simple greed, of course.

The mossad is one of the most active and effective intelligence agencies in the world. Their stories both successes and failures (that we’ve heard about) are legendary.

I’ve been suggesting the comment collapse idea for a while? Where can we put up a PR for this? Collapsing comments for HN’s comment scale is damn near required at this point.

FWIW, this site seems very well run to me. The mods seem to have very deeply considered positions on community management.

Not even from a community management standpoint, but more so just from a UX standpoint. As a HN reader, I don't just wanna read the top 5 or so parents (which is all I can read without scrolling for 2 mins, _especially_ on mobile). I want to read all the parents, and have the option to go into the thread should I so chose. Just me though

As a huge basketball fan I think this is great. As a US citizen roughly familiar with the NBA and how they come after platforms that use their content in ways that they don’t condone (e.g., /r/nbastreams, RIP), I don’t see this lasting very long.

Webtorrent is taking off, there will be no way to prevent this realistically.

FYI /r/nbastreams -> sportsurge.net

/r/nbastreams is an extreme because that directly affects league pass sales. Highlights / clips are probably less of a concern, but definitely still a concern. Adam Silver has said "The way we look at it: we’re incredibly protective of our live game rights, but for the most part, highlights are marketing" https://www.sporttechie.com/adam-silver-against-suing-nba-hi...

We also think that NBA itself, ESPN, and BleacherReport can benefit from this technology. There are a lot of potential use cases we think that can be unlocked with this. Right now we're going the consumer route first where they can see live clips, but we can see ourselves potentially working with one of the bigger players if they see value in this.

Making clips of every play does not really seem to fit their definition of highlights

Yeah you're right, we really just think if NBA sees this they may want to leverage this technology themselves since it can help them hopefully do a lot more, rather than just banning us completely.

The 30 best behind the back left-handed passes?! I'm stayin!

Finally a client that mixes async support and a “requests-compatible” API (for those times you don’t want to go as low as say an aiohttp or the like).

Looking forward to trying it out

Edit: maybe the homepage can include a very simple async example as well?

As an aiohttp user, what do you mean? The API od aiohttp is not low level and is very similar to requests api.

Product Management. On some level, _everyone_ at the company is involved with product. It's at the intersection of virtually every department (engineering, sales, design, research, etc), but is incredibly demanding :)

From a slightly more nerdy perspective:

Because these credit card companies have thousands of _their_ machines, in _their_ locations, running _their_ software, to meet _their_ standards.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin is run god knows where, for god knows who (as rightfully intended of course), on god knows what software.

Sadly speed is just naturally part of the tradeoff in this scenario.

Yes this is true because Bitcoin core plays by the speed of the weakest link.

It's not true for Bitcoin Cash which plays by the "if your node is not making you money why are you running it"

When we upgrade every 6 months or useless nodes just get stuck on the old chain forever and that's it.

Last upgrade there was one miner who upgraded one block to late and lost about 1000 USD. That miner will be the first to run the new software in may.

We had a hacker who got a smart card to get Bitcoin cash to work like a credit card without needing to be online.

Bitcoin cash tx are instant and take on average about 2 seconds to spread to about 1999 out of 2000 mempools.

They settle on the chain on average 10 minutes.

Credit card tx also take a couple of seconds but much longer to settle.

Right now BCH can not yet scale like Visa but we already have the capacity to compete with paypall.

Satoshi's design works at scale but only when you don't delete point 6 from the whitepaper which is "Simple Payment Verification"

Core tries to make you belief the whitepaper was written without points 6 and 7.

7 is how to make the blockchain smaller by pruning it using merkle trees.

Nobody does that yet because storing 200 GB for 10 years is super cheap.

But 6 and 7 are ESSENTIAL in the design to scale.

Core completely ignores them or says: Well SPV is not 100% secure there for it's insecure and should not be used.

Gmax does this with everything, he flips it to extremes.

Meanwhile right now on LN there is couple of hundred thousand dollars that is very easy to steal from non technical people.

1) you find people that want to open a channel with you. These people go online to post their ip addresses and open ports on /r/bitcoin. These posts are encouraged on /r/bitcoin.

2) You open a channel with them for like 100 USD in BTC.

3) You push the balance to their side of the channel by using a swap side that accepts both LN and other coins.

4) You sell this 100 USD for another coin.

5) You publish an old state.

6) You do this to nodes you monitor using nmap to see if they go offline on a regular basis for longer then nlocktime.

7) You can't lose money on this, only win with people that should not be running LN but are.

There is like 6 million USD locked up in LN and about 10% is for grabs.

8) The victims have nowhere to go because if they post about it on their channels they get called stupid and banned and their post deleted.

9) People are already doing this but the victims are still not speaking out. They just belief it was their own fault and move on. Meanwhile the watchtower software is not there yet and if a node does not go offline for nlocktime you can easily DDOS that node for 144 blocks and you doubled your money.

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