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Implementing a lisp in the type system would be fun, that's originally what this project was about until I got distracted with macros. Awesome projects like fortraith (https://github.com/Ashymad/fortraith) already exist, and even far more useful projects like dimensioned (compile time dimensional analysis using type level numbers) are inspiring. These examples, although cool, are probably a worse sign for krick for Rust compared with macro_rules being Turing complete.

Aha, that's pretty cool! Didn't even scroll more halfway down the page before my lizard brain saw some something resembling Peano numbers.

Thanks for sharing your project, by the way - between this and the other one you linked, I think I know what my leisure time this weekend is going to consist of...

No problem! I had fun making it, for such a silly little project it's given me a surprising amount of joy. If you want to look at another cool project that's tangentially related, have a look at Sectorlisp.

Oh, I'm very well acquainted with Sectorlisp - I even have a scrappy local package on nixos to build, boot and launch a qemu repl for it locally! Somewhere around here there's an HDD in an X200 that probably still has it in the boot sector on its HDD.

I think I objectively suck at lisp, but that doesn't preclude me from being a "Greenspan enjoyer" :) I think all of my projects that used Selenium ended up with a haphazardly-pieced-together lisp interpreter as their scripting tool after I realized whatever I was writing was effectively becoming a DSL in a .ini/.yaml/.toml file. These days, I mostly use nix, but my dream is a lispy NixOS (yes, I know of and have used Guix, but I really just want a lisp<>Nix 'native' compiler, and to be able to use it with nixpkgs without hassle).

Yes, at the moment I just assume that all atoms are rust idents because that makes it easier to implement (I can just match against $x:ident), so it doesn't support dashes in atoms. I guess you could match against `$x:ident $(- $y:ident)*` instead? That should work I think, I'd have to change some details in some of the arms but it seems like that would be possible.

Wouldn’t that match “(foo - bar)” as well as “(foo-bar)”? I don’t think you can get around token whitespace in macro_rules

Yes it would match both, this would require us to assume that "foo - bar" can only be an atom. It's not a great solution.

It would, but lisp has prefix operators, so you wouldn’t have to worry about it getting confused.

Although in a Lisp such as Scheme, you could pass around the negation operator in something like (map - '(1 2 3)), so it would be a valid concern that it might clash.

The problem with that is that there are spaces between map, -, and '(1 2 3). The only way to get spaces into a name is by using vertical bars:

  (defvar |do i 10| 1.100)

Does Rust have something like a reader macro where you can have arbitrary syntax for a bit?

It's almost but not quite arbitrary. It still has to be a valid Rust token stream with matching braces/parens. Since it's whitespace insensitive with respect to tokens and "-" is its own token, "(foo-bar)" and "(foo - bar)" result in the same token stream minus the span information.

You can use proc_macro::Span.line()/column() [1] to track how much whitespace there is between tokens and merge them, but the macro will have to rename them to valid Rust identities ("foo-bar" to "foo_bar") and make sure there's no collisions.

[1] https://doc.rust-lang.org/proc_macro/struct.Span.html#method...

Thanks! It was fun to make. It was also instructive, as I learned that rust analyser doesn't handle macros generating millions of tokens :D

I would love for you to elaborate on lessons learned in the project readme!

Does this reinforce Greenspan’s 10th rule?

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