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Vim takes me to the first character in the line (the first tab), but displays the cursor on the last gridsquare the tab's width covers.

If you have "set list" to make non-space whitespace visible, it'll go to the leftmost position. I did it long ago along with "set listchars=trail:.,tab:>-" so I can see not only where tabs are, but also their size/alignment without causing the text to shift.

Only if you're logged in, though. (I believe?)

I've usually heard it as "If it helps but doesn't entirely solve the problem, try doing more of it." rather than trying more even if it doesn't seem to be doing anything. (See this Zvi post: https://thezvi.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/more-dakka/ )

I suspect the lack of emoji support is not a technical issue.

It’s not an NNTP limitation, in any case, which supports arbitrary encodings in news postings. Not sure what WB is referring to.

StarCraft is a lot more fun to watch than SupCom though.

I couldn't disagree more, Forged Alliance Forever or Beyond All Reason are infinitely more interesting to watch if you don't care about obnoxious micro skills.

BAR (and BA, Zero-K...) have about as much micro than SC1/2 though, it's SupCom1 that is really the outlier here...

> Switching profiles is already considered an inconvenience, due to the way the algorithms tailor so well, regardless of how often you may engage in it.

The dealbreaker for me with YouTube Premium is that I'd have to sign into YouTube. And I'd need uBlock Origin anyway to block all the suggested video divs...

I'm definitely hoping for matte-black too, but the two things I'm actually blocking on are a trackpoint (I realise this is probably not happening) and availability in my country.

Oh yeh I forgot about the trackpoint as well. Theres a few things holding me back, but the pull is getting stronger

I guess a trackpoint could happen if third parties start getting involved more in making keyboards and whatnot.

> If Chrome shipped an update that blocked all ads it would kill many sites and would cause a disaster to the health of the web ecosystem.

I think this would be the best thing that could possibly happen for the health of the web, tbh. Imagine Google search results if every blogspam page plastered with ads no longer had a financial incentive to exist.

EDIT: It would kill some useful sites too, undoubtedly, but I think it would be worth the cost.

Blog spam sites are not expensive to host and they would just pivot to referral links. What it hurts are sites that generate user value and give it away for free by subsidizing it with ads.

Sure, the whole spam industry could just pivot to referral links, just like that.

Referral links are a terrible business, with even less money and at the same mercy of the oligarch next door.

Intrusive ads disappearing would be transformative and good for the web for a good long while.

> give it away for free by subsidizing it with ads.

If those ads are targeted, then they're not giving it away for free at all. They're just demanding a different currency.

It costs $0. Happy?

I mean, personally I think AI model training makes the world worse, so it's a pretty reconcilable set of views.

In what way(s) does training a language model make the world worse?

What is and isn't used comes down to the person, so it's pretty hard to factor in. Certainly in my city most bikes I see people out and abouton are not electric.

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