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    ; set the first syscall argument to 42
    push   0x2a
    pop    edi

    ; select syscall 60 (sys_exit)
    push   0x3c
    pop    eax

    ; sys_exit(42)

LOL my asm is rusty, didn't even know about the syscall instruction (I'd have used int 0x80 here)

What's the point of `push`ing constants to the stack and `pop`ing them to registers instead of `mov`ing them directly?

I think they encode smaller?

That's cool - I wonder why exit code is not set to 42 in practice? binary still returns 0, must be a bug somewhere.

A successful run not exiting with EXIT_SUCCESS usually requires a good reason to justify it.

After reading through "A T Cell Army against SARS-CoV-2" and not getting much out of it, I started looking for a primer on how viruses infect cells. But without a strong background in biology, even that was somewhat out of reach for me. This article started to frame the idea of DNA as a DSL for generating molecules, which put me on better footing.

I think they're saying that you may have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. If your conclusion horrifies you—doesn't resemble what you were optimizing for—you may be optimizing for the wrong thing. Rationality isn't broken; revisit your optimization criteria. See the paperclip optimizer, the smiles optimizer, etc.

Gender segregation in sports is certainly not without controversy.

That's news to me. References?

This is not "birth control"—it's "coerced sterilization."

It's my understanding that the hormone-releasing implants for the women are birth control - remove it and you can get pregnant again in a month or two. I see this is an arm implant, not an IUD as a couple of friends have used (and subsequently removed and had a beautiful healthy daughter), so I may be incorrect.

But yes, the vasectomy offered to the men is far more permanent than "birth control".

India pioneered a "reversible vasectomy" [1]. Basically they gum up the ducts from the testes. It does not have to be irreversible.

The thing to watch is whether knowing they have become, at least temporarily, infertile, will lead them to unsafe sex practices resulting in more venereal disease.


There's a YC company, Contraline[1][2], doing a similar thing.

[1]: http://contraline.com/

[2]: http://contraline.com/news/2016/05/13/contraline-is-accepted...

I remember reading an impressive statistic where the implant actually has a higher real world success rate due to more botched/healed ligations.

Edit: http://www.ohjoysextoy.com/implant/ -0.05% failure rate on implants, 0.5% on sterilisation. Impressive.

United States: 3–8 per day on my cell phone. Some nights, I get dozens of calls one after the other. I work on-call.

Internet access, especially to Wikipedia, did wonders for me whenever the lecture turned to something I was already familiar with. That alone kept me from getting distracted and frustrated as I would in classes whose professors prohibited laptop use.

You're looking for brackets, not slashes, since you're giving a phonetic discription, not a phonemic one.

Sheesh, totally outnerded :-)

At the risk of sounding obvious: you've identified that your job is the source of the stress and unhappiness. That's certainly not an irrelevant factor, as my parent and sibling comments claim. Make the sale, maybe move to a cheaper apartment, use your newfoud buckets of money to work in your community garden for a month. See how you feel then.

For a simpler secure pastebin, try https://sptpb.pw.

Also another alternative.


and another one https://safepaste.org (although currently suffers from bug)

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