if you any suggestion about articles to read about wgpu plz share. I kind of struggle to find good articles with good examples for beginners to get started with wgpu
I found it very helpful for me to get started. And it is not really outdated, only the first example does not work anymore right away, but if you go to the next step, it all works and then you progresd to a small working physics simulation.
In the case where you know what to type, don't you find the position of ctrl/escape ... positions akwards ? have you even used the right alt key ?
My point is that with the current layouts could be definetly improved
Yeah I heard about advantages of Dvorak and I recently started playing with it. But Dvorak only focus on character keys. The other keys that I need like shift, escape, ctrl ... are in places that are not ideal. So definetly they can be optimized.