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2016 man, 2016.

It hasn't been such a bad year, really.


The celebrity deaths have been rough, but I think the political success of racism, hate and fear has been at least equally depressing this year. It's been a bad year.

TL;DR "2016 has seen the largest number of famous people die"

In Quraan, Allah swore by figs and olives.

وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُون . سورة التين آية ١

I think Allah has the right of it. I love Fig Newtons and figs!

There's something wrong with that passage, it's rendered abnormally. Matres lectionis seem misplaced, and the passage seems to be cut mistakenly. Though I don't know arabic and don't read the writing all that good.

There's nothing wrong with it, what's before the dot is the first "Aya", what comes after the dot is the name of the "Surah" which happened to be "Al Teen" which translates to "The figs", then the number of the Aya which is "1"

You can read the whole Surah here: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V2CP4vwKRAc/maxresdefault.jpg

Thanks, didn't know shadda was used with the definite article.

Trust me, I do.

Windows support was implemented by the community, Not the creators.

"Go to definition" is the first choice you get when you right-click a word.

the mother of all click-baits

Exactly! I'm still clicking, just can't stop it...

Better title is 2 mod 2 == 0

In the study of rings and fields, one works with operations called “addition” and “multiplication”, typically written “+” and “*”, but which needn't have anything to do with number addition or multiplication. “Addition” and “multiplication” have identity elements called “0” and “1”, respectively, but again, they needn't have anything to do with the numbers 0 and 1.

And, in a field of characteristic 2, there's no notion of 2, since “1 + 1” is by definition “0”.

Putting "The sky is black" as a title seems incorrect to me, even though the statement "The sky is black on the Moon" is true.

+, × (or ·), 0 and 1 are standard notation in algebra for an arbitrary ring's addition, multiplication, additive identity and multiplicative identity. In that context, 1 + 1 = 0 isn't automatically false. It's just a statement that holds in some rings (e.g., F_2), but not in others (e.g., Z).

Do we "really" need more programming languages ?

We could use a few "good ones" (meaning ones that really are about the realities, needs and scales of the 21st century).

Could you list top 3 good ones as per your opinion?

I meant, we could "use three good ones", not that I knew of three ...

Haskell has treasures.

they should offer 100Gb or 200Gb , I need more than 2 Gb, but defiantly not 1TB !!

I think $10/month is still a reasonable price for 200GB of storage. And most of their customers are like you and probably won't use even close to the full amount, so it's a big win for them.

No, they should offer 2-4 TB. I need at least 2TB, not just 1!

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