In a competition it's possible to wake up your competitor. I mean if you are going to play a tennis or football match the next day, you can bother your competitor to have an advantage.
I thought that the article was worth it but it is completely stupid. The reason of MySpace curb is because Facebook started, they aren't two independent events.
I'm from Argentina and a similar plan was implemented there. The REAL plan was to subscribe free market principles, sell state owned companies and reduce the fiscal deficit.
This fake currency was attached to USD price in Brazil. In Argentina was created from the beginning and it was also attached to USD.
Sorry to bother with the reality, I'd prefer the Big Fish style story that was told in this article, but it was a fake.
I use C++ but I don't really like it, but ... we need all the libraries that exist in C++ rewritten in D. And also, the same compiler support in the development frameworks.
Otherwise, it will be a failure.