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A corporate is literally, legally, a "person", but not a "natural person". AI "unnatural person". And since it's "incorporated", it has a body too :-)

Since a person has a body and an intelligence it's also a non-natural aka "artificial" intelligence.

I assume that you refuse to be paid more than a construction workers then?

Part of the legal definition of a salaried professional is that the job entails the use of judgment.

Every job requires judgement of some kind.

Outside of the MAGA contingent, people hope to build a better life than the previous generation had. Working 50 years at the steel mill isn't the American Dream.

If you live your life in a bubble apart from the rest of humanity, and you are happy, good for you. If you couldn't find friends in high school, sympathy for you. But most humans are social creatures who put value on having community.

Working in a steel mill would be a much more valuable life experience than senior year of high school for most people. And it’s not like people in the 1930s didn’t have community. To the contrary, they had much more of it than we do these days, where everyone leaves their home town to go office to college, chasing a school a few points higher on some ranking.

ALEC is a conservative organization with 98% Republican membership.

That seems like a contradiction. I cannot think of any conservative policies advanced lately by the Republican leadership.

No, it's not. Conservative corporate policies desire restoration of a regressive, apartheid theocracy... think Clarence Thomas and Scalia.

That is hardly a conservative goal; it is radically reactionary. Actually conservative policies would resist change, not seek it out.

Most stores lower price on product as it ages, if they don't sell out. they don't waste time negotiating one-off deals for a single item purchase.

Parent comment didn't mention price controls.

That photo is so dark and blurry that I can't see the holes.

Sorry, it was served as full resolution and quality on desktop for me, but significantly worse on mobile. Should have uploaded a closer crop I guess. Try "request desktop version" if your browser can do that.

It's as bright as it can be while still picking up the LED light.

How would you enforce that? How would you find and ban AstroTurf? (Thank you, Google GBoard, for the marketing autocorrect built-in)

Marketers haven't overrun those like they have on reddit?

What on Earth are you talking about? Social services are massively underfunded, despite getting a lot of funding, because the need is gigantic.

Quite a lot of that funding is just compensating for some of centuries of theft, from slaveowners of the 19th century to predatory rural banks of the 20th Century to coordinated corporate wage depression of the 21st century.

There are real social problems that need solving but framing the situation as the result of "theft" is a mischaracterization. Theft would be an "easy" situation to resolve, just give the money back. In any case, I don't think simply transferring money solves these types of problems -- it is much more difficult than that.

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