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I love starting there - this one is pages 25-72!

I think it does. I've sat in on mentorships for small businesses via the local Economic Development dept. at city hall.

The Canadian equivalent is http://ladieslearningcode.com/. It's a fun time, I try to do it if my free time lines up with a workshop.

I don't think there's any field that requires a special approach to mindfulness, but it may be useful to people in those fields to have examples put in relatable contexts - that's why you'll see Mindfulness For Athletes/Executives/Etc... even if it kind of all boils down to common elements.

Are you using Crosswalk for both iOS and Android, or just for Android? We've been using Ionic + Cordova with pretty good results on iOS so far, but we're starting to shift focus onto the Android offering.

Only for Android. iOS' webview is powerful enough for our use cases, and if you need webrtc there are a couple of good cordova plugins.

This is exactly what I think every time I see it. And sometimes it does take me to a g+ page, so I've trained myself to just avoid it.

Same here...

C10K is the problem of handling 10K clients simultaneously, I presume C1M is an extension of that.

[1] http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html

There's an 'Ads' list element on the left under 'Favourites'.

Which no one would ever click.

My friend had this idea earlier this year: http://letmereadthatforyou.com/.

I don't know what's come of it, or if he's even got any requests, heh.

015 is up now as well.

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