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    sleep 20m ; mpc pause
I keep it simple.

  while true; do
    echo "Time to work, dumbass" | festival --tts
    sleep 25m || rm -rf /
    echo "Have some rest, dumbass" | festival --tts
    sleep 5m

What’s the “rm -rf /“ for?

It adds an incentive not to cancel the pomodoro.

Probably easier to use shell history, but I like a loop.

  while () ; do sleep 20m; mpv bing.mp3; read; done

simpler than mine:

  import time
  import argparse

  def main(mins):
    print(f"Starting pomodoro timer: {mins} minutes.")

    for m in range(mins, 0, -1):
        secs = 60
        for s in range(secs, 0, -1):
            print(f"{m-1}:{s-1}    ", end='\r')

    print("Timer finished - take a break!\a")

  if __name__ == "__main__":
      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pomodoro Timer.")
    parser.add_argument("mins", type=int, help="minutes to time.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

Good one! That's pretty much how I started and then ended up with Pomoglorbo instead. I have wanted the timer to integrate with timewarrior, and automatically time what I am working and also keep track of my breaks. Another issue is that when your computer sleeps, you'd want to keep counting seconds in the background, so time.sleep(1) will lose accuracy very quickly.

You can use time.sleep in a loop to tick of seconds, but actually check the diff between now and start time to know how much time has passed.

Mine has an ASCII cow to keep you motivated and accountable: https://github.com/meribold/muccadoro.

just tried to run it and it says i dont have cowsay command which is just an output of a text based cow with a cartoon bubble

So far on my M1:

1. I tried to install Pomoglorbo, fails due to python requirement

2. Scrolling down I find muccadoro, fails due to dependency

3. 10 minutes in im feeling the impact and inefficient

4. Should've just kept moving

Get beesy living or get busy dying.

They just say that, because the sense of urgency on the customer's side is the seller's greatest asset.

Those who use Pocket or Reader views or similar tools will skew the results.

Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?

I find it interesting that this quote will become less and less absurd as technology continues to improve.

The confusion stems from the fact that a human can tolerate a certain amount of "wrong" and still give the "right answer". For example you don't need to speak with perfect grammar to be understood. Humans won't choke on syntax errors the same way a browser chokes on malformed html.

Machines are much more rigid and can't understand context and intent. But this is starting to slowly change in the age of machine learning. For example if I make a small typo, I expect an autocompleter to still understand what I was trying to type. It wouldn't be too absurd to believe that in a not too distant future, it would also be able to autocomplete away common/obvious bugs. Maybe it can even autocomplete/rewrite code from near pseudocode if the intent is clear enough.

I just put the machine to a closet and buy long cords for all peripherals.

The title reminds me how Google effectively crippled fast writing of emails a couple of years back, when they fouled up the Compose textbox with fancy JS/HTML hackery. Can't write & paste an email to the Compose box, can't invoke an "edit-text-in-external-editor" browser function on it. There's smart in simplicity.

After you take or attach a picture to the Signal chat you haven't sent it yet; you can write a caption for the image or send it without. The red cross if for removing the image if you change your mind. At least, this is what popped up in my mind immediately after your description.

Do you log in to AirBnB using Google credentials? Perhaps they use an undocumented feature to broadcast the dates to GCal without mail harvesting.

Nope, using Facebook credentials. That's definitely a possibility.

Maybe I'm cynical, but whenever I see qualifiers around a verb I get suspicious. Something like "hey, we're not lying when we said we stopped scanning emails for ad purposes, but we are still scanning to improve other Google ecosystems tools like Calendar".

They scan emails. I have had airline ticket reservations that my friends emailed to me added on my Calendar.

Yikes. That would prove it...

Warm-season clothing, a t-shirt and jeans. It means the phone has to fit comfortably in front/back pocket. If it doesn't, it could be labeled as nonportable.

Who are this people who keep their phones in their back pockets?

(And I never had an issue with the iPhone 7 plus not fitting on my front pocket with room to spare -- even less so one would presume with the much smaller X).

Portability does not mean it fits in your pocket.

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