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adafruit was not sold to siemens

i will be interviewing them, so if there are any questions you want me to ask, feel free to post them here.

(i work at adafruit, founded hackaday)

Are they going to support their maker/hacker ecosystem with versions of their EDA tools? To support things like Efabless [1] and the Skywater PDK with commercial grade tooling would be awesome.

What is their long term vision for how this acquisition fits into the rest of their electronics and engineering portfolio?


Thanks for starting hackaday, Phil. Has made for great reading for me for many years, from a no-nothing kid in the aughts to a professional EE now.

Hey Phil!

I'd be interested to know if Hackaday has any plans for branded events when deemed safe? With Hackaday.io it also seems like the potential is there to help organize community events or maker-faires on a larger scale as we reenter a post-pandemic world — a gap not really filled since the fall of Make.

(A "Hackaweek" hackercamp sounds like it would be a blast)

I'm actually more interested in how you started hackaday and the story behind it. Early years up to now. Cheers!

i'll be interviewing them, so please let me know if there are any specific questions you want asked.

I’d be curious to know what Siemens’ plans are for HaD, if they’re looking to monetize it or just keep it as is. Basically I want to know how long it’ll be before HaD is ruined. I still hope it won’t be because I love HaD but it really doesn’t look good. When has such a corporate takeover ever gone well for the product?

This seems like a good place to ask: who's interested in building a competitor?

Not a direct competitor but https://kitspace.org is our take on electronics project sharing. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in taking part.

Ask Hackaday staff/management if they installed FAX machine yet, and typewriters. Half not joking.

i will be interviewing the team at siemens and maybe some of the folks at supplyframe / hackaday / tindie -- post up any questions you want me to ask (disclosure: i started hackaday 16 years ago or so, have nothing to do with this now).

You and Limor, love you both!

hi taylor, adafruit's products are open-source, all the board files are on github, check the open hardware certification listing with adafruit, which is currently the most certified (329 out of 783 certifications, are from adafruit) https://certification.oshwa.org/list.html?q=adafruit

"cheap office space" is not a factor in our decision to be an open-source hardware company.

Okay good to know thank you! Somehow I recall finding some products whose source files were not listed next to the schematics, but maybe that was a while ago.

good timing for this... we (adafruit) have been posting a post-per-day, all month for open hardware month.


there are millions of open-source hardware devices out there, so "popular" would need to be more defined for this question, etc. here are all the posts..

Nice piece and great work [1] - I will make a point to read all of your posts :)

[1] https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/10/28/ask-hn-why-isnt-open-so...

thanks @ZenoArrow ... additionally, it's over $42m and we have a free and paid for service, http://www.adafruit.io and a subscription service, ADABOX, with thousands of customers, http://www.adabox.com ... no loans, no VC, 114+ people, USA manufacturer of open-source hardware in NYC, USA.

You're welcome ptorrone, it's a great success story.

As a side note, thank you for founding Hackaday also, it's one of my favourite websites.

oh wow, thank you! 13 years ago! time is zooming by :)

for some context.

the "community" on hacker news has said limor (ladyada) fried is not a "real engineer" or she has help and doesn't really do engineering, or she is not a real person, or she is just a marketer, or it's not really her code, amongst other attacks anytime her work appears here on hacker news.

the same attacks on hacker news on naomi wu have been said to other women who make things, share their projects, and are online, including limor, on hacker news.

before you hit "add comment" - what is the goal here hacker news community?

HN isn't always hostile to women.

The last time I made the front page under my real name,[0] I got a very encouraging comment about how it was nice that I had just started programming and was already thinking of hard problems.

Thankfully, it's simple enough to add an nginx rule to bounce anyone from news.ycombinator.com right back to where they came from.


[0] For some reason HN comments are much more respectful when I use a pseudonym. I must have a silly name or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

perhaps "HN isn't always hostile to women" but it's enough times for every woman i know to say it is.

hacker news community, what is your goal here?

@makomk the only reason we'd delete a comment is if you cursed, made personal attacks, etc.

we covered makerbot going closed-source on adafruit, including the class action lawsuit. https://blog.adafruit.com/?main_page=blog&s=makerbot additionally, we covered the close-sourcing of the arduino.org products (federico's arduino) - https://blog.adafruit.com/?s=%23freearduino

and just to be super-duper clear, my opinion is that it was a mistake for makerbot to go closed source the way they did.

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