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“We learn from history that we do not learn from history” ― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Try http://fingerball.mobi/ , it should be very infuriating too :D Works best on a physically large touchscreen (small tablet and up).

It's a game engine that relies on HTML5 elements for rendering, audio and scripting. I don't find that misleading :)

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language.

Hypertext: is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access...

So it's a game engine that relies on something that is, according to definition a text-only language. Are you really into ASCII games? Otherwise the name is very misleading. For legacy reasons.

HTML5 - the number in the name is important, this is a brand that represents a set of supported APIs and tags (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/Guide/HTML/HTML5). They are obviously not talking about the markup language itself.

They equally could've called it SQL256 or XML2000 and then explain that it doesn't mean what the abbreviation states. I guess there is no need to argue for us, but personally prefer names that reflect the nature precisely. At least this is how I name my programming constructs and projects.

I know it's stupid, but the other alternative is calling it "HTML5&friends Game Engine", like the Mozilla guide suggests... Technically correct, but just as vague and now it sounds like a kid's show... I think we can easily agree this is not an improvement :)

The real name, which is "HTML5 + JavaScript + Canvas API + WebGL API + Web Audio API + Web Workers API + jQuery (for good measure, not actually used) + CSS3 Game Engine", doesn't fit on a t-shirt and, when put in a title tag, probably crashes older browsers and causes a Google employee to come and manually set your PageRank to -1.

No, "pure HTML5" has a specific meaning in the gamedev community - it's the combination of HTML5 elements like canvas, video and audio with JavaScript for the game logic, i.e. using the browser as a game engine (it's actually pretty cool, the APIs are very high-level and well-suited for the task) as opposed to using an actual game engine, like you normally would.

The interesting thing to note is that he has different results for people that come from Google - maybe people have different expectations about the website depending on whether they're looking for it on Google or just sitting in an app like Facebook?

Buy a $3000 Mac computer so you can write software in a language that doesn't work anywhere else (and for a good reason)? Sure, where do I sign up :D

Also it spares you from having to write Java, or worse - Objective C. I went for HTML5 just because I could use a (relatively) sane language and not be forced in walled gardens in the process - like having to buy a $3000 Mac to use a language that looks like it's straight from the 80's (and now they're trying to get me to buy a Mac just so I can view the console output of my Javascript app - I'm starting to think Apple HATES the people that develop software for their devices).

The guy in the second screenshot does not correspond to his picture in the passport... in fact, I think that's a spy.

C was designed way before security was a concern. If somebody exploited your program, you could just slap them because they'd be sitting at a terminal in the same room with you - no need for fancy ASLR or controlling how many characters you write to a buffer when physical violence was a viable option :)

Except security was already a concern in other operating systems that had Lisp, Cedar, Modula-2, Algol as system languages among others.

C designers just decided to ignored it.

This isn't even remotely true. Computer security was a concern and an area of study long before C/Unix showed up. Unix (and by extension C) descended directly from the Multics project, which from its start in 1964 made security a central priority. Kernighan and Ritche were important members of the Multics project. Further, the idea that everyone who used the computers of that era were "in the same room" is also patently absurd.

I like my fantasy about how things were back then better, thankyouverymuch. At least this way I can believe they didn't unleash the flood of pwnage on the world while knowing better.

It's stealing when a company takes your hard-earned cash (not "copies", but "takes") and doesn't deliver a product you actually enjoy using.

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