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Its a crypto grift

Sadly it looks like it. Wasn't always that way, having started in 2006!

The melting pot was just a hypothesis and we are living through the experiment.

The theory might not be correct

As long as people intermarry with people from other groups the melting pot will be a-meltin'! Pour on the heat!

Bulworth: "Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody 'til they're all the same color".

From the movie "Bulworth":


Trustpilot are a scam operation themselves and I agree that they are near-perfect evil.

They shake down companies involved with them and give add very little of value. If anything, they are harmful to ecommerce as it makes people more skeptical of reviews

Developing countries are growing faster than developed countries so their birth rate could do with a drop

At least if they implement UBI then the need to build the wall on the border will increase.

You cant give away money for free and NOT have strong borders.

> At least if they implement UBI then the need to build the wall on the border will increase.

No, a border wall will remain an ineffective boondoggle that serves only vanity even with a UBI.

> You cant give away money for free and NOT have strong borders.

First, a UBI is defined as lacking means or behavior testing, that doesn't mean that the universe of recipients isn't either just adult citizens or adults who are either citizens or lawful permanent residents. The higher UBI with either of those recipient pools, the less economically attractive illegal immigration is, especially if UBI replaces or reduces (say, by $1/hr for every $2000/yr of UBI) minimum wage, thereby reducing the attractiveness of under the table sub-minimum wage labor.

Second, even if UBI wasn't a tool for stronger borders and did make illegal immigration more attractive, it wouldn't magically change the fact that the border wall isn't a tool for strong borders.

There aren't an infinite amount of non-Americans, and they're not all arriving tomorrow. You can figure out what expected growth is and account for it.

Not true - technically everything is free so it will be fine to keep giving as-is; the combination will help stimulate the economy and improve the lives of all Americans

I agree that improving our energy generation is important.

But we must also get over the idea that we need mass immigration into the West.

The most environmentally friendly thing to do is accept a slow decline in absolute population numbers.

This will mean roads are not as busy, hospitals not full to bursting and the chance to improve the kids to teacher ratio.

I just want those people that want children to have them, and those that don't now. We don't need a global or national policy on how much population we want.

In fact, we are currently subsiding families. I tend to oppose that, but not because of fear of overpopulation.

Most roads are already not used often, its really just a few roads that are to full. And in those cases its really a density problem that we are not gone solve by having slightly less children.

For the rest I don't think population is the issue. The issue is with how those markets are organized. More people means you can have more teachers, not just more children. Currently the ratio is going down already, so I this is happening automatically anyway.

So you want those in America + Europe (less than one billion) to significantly reduce their consumption, while allowing >7 billion to massively increase their consumption?

Think about the amount of concrete alone that would need to be used to get Africa up to 1st world standards. China used more in a few years than America did in a century. This will have to happen many times over just for the current population level, never mind a growing one!

It is like living in a house and everyone agreeing to cut their energy use by 20%.... while bringing in a new resident every few months.

So, you would rather see the developing countries never developed, forever in poverty? Or what are you proposing?

Better population controls, on a global scale. Let's get our population back down to 5 billion, I'm sure our environmental problems would quickly evaporate if we did so.

You could also get arrested for having work tools locked up in your van or even carrying a deadly potato peeler in public



I won't defend the law itself, I think knives are useful tools, but I am disappointed that I can't find more detail about the potato peeler incident. Important context like what he was doing when police arrested him and why they stopped him to see what he was carrying in the first place are no where to be found. I did see that he was on bail for "another unspecified offense" at the time of his arrest, but I'm not even sure he was arrested for having the peeler. It's possible it was just something they tacked on after his arrest. As sensationalist as it sounds, my guess is that it was more reasonable than headlines and conservative websites would suggest.

Have you not seen the protests today? Hello?

The last thing they need is money as that will lead to increased consumption or even increased population growth!

This is a climate EMERGENCY so we should limit their ability to gain money, not ease it

Somehow I feel like poor people in Kenya are not the primary source of overconsumption. And giving people more money decreases population growth, it doesn't increase it.

Did you just assume everyones gender?

I did, but I'm not sure that's a get out of jail free card for the author.

Not to defend the guy you're replying too, but it's quite a stretch to imply the author is in jail - or on the chopping block for, even.

The quote you originally had shoots down your complaints anyway, if you're upfront about it you can plan around it. And if people have strong preferences for same sex lodgings they can plan that upfront, or if not, maybe I'm misunderstanding your complaint?

It turns out that the language of social justice isn't just a set of magical incantations by which you produce controversy, and attempting to concern troll by cargo-culting that language is pretty much always obvious.

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