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I am also based out of Germany, and experience the lag too. I find it very annoying actually, to the point where I am contemplating switching. The lag isn't always there though...

Yeah, that is a great idea! I tried building something like that, but didn't quite get it right. Maybe I should give it a second go.

I have also thought about adding a feature whereby you can ask the equivalent of "I would like to be able to pay myself X per month" and then be told how much you would need to bill per month. In a way it's the inverse of what the tool does today.

The problem has now been fixed. Fields can be emptied properly, and the TER (decimal values) are editable too!

Thanks again!

You are absolutely right! Thanks for letting me know! I’ll look into it when I get home!

Thank you for sharing! That is even more strict than what my tool calculates, as in 75% set aside for the future. The exact numbers likely also depend on where you reside, and how much of a social security net exists to catch you when things don't go as planned.

According to your tool I am overpaying myself :) I think you did a great job with this - I did take this rather on the light side when I started... Paniced a little later (when I got my first tax invoice), then decided to be on the save side... Luckily I was never a big spending guy - so it turned out alright.

Thank you :)

An incredible level of polish and ease of use.

I am not sure what your background is, or whether you are, or have worked as, a freelancer. What I am writing might therefore be old news to you, in which case it would still be interesting to hear how you are thinking about the numbers I'll present.

A lot of people write comments such as yours. 11000USD/mth is a very decent salary if you are an employee. What most regular employees completely discount when doing back of the envelope calculations about the salary of other people are the amount of additional contributions that are made by your employer that regular employees might never see, but that are paid for you all the same.

Here is the math for me as a freelancer in Germany, with a similar salary as the one you are claiming is outrageous.

I bill roughly the equivalent per month from Berlin in Germany. I am not sure where the Babel developers are based, so their circumstances might differ, but all the same, here goes:

Of the 9000EUR (11000USD in EUR) I have to pay: - 19% VAT = 1750 - 950/mth in health insurance - Put aside 1000/mth for retirement (which is less than I previously had from my employer) - Set aside money for vacation (as a regular employee in Germany I would have 30 days paid vacation, as a freelancer I had to set aside roughly 600/mth to compensate for this) - Set aside money in case I get sick (as a regular employee I still get my salary when I am sick, as a freelancer I get paid from day 45). I set aside roughly 450/mth for this. - Then there are miscellaneous freelancer related expenses and having to buy hardware (which your employer would cover too). Let's make that 300/mth. - Then there's income taxes on the rest. This differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but let's make it an even 30% (which is below what I pay).

This leaves me with 3950 before taxes, or 2765 after taxes... That doesn't sound so amazing anymore, does it?

Even if the Babel guys aren't working as freelancer but pay themselves through a company, the math works out roughly the same (at least from what I have seen in my own business over the last 9 years). The only difference is that the company needs the equivalent monthly budget instead of the individuals.

dude are you insane? in germany your 9000 EUR salary would be huge. and saying you put 1000€/mth away before you calculate is even more insane... You would get a Netto of around ~4.800 €, which would be more than 80% of all germans will make. Also you could easily make more by reducing social payments (which you can do if you get over 6000 € brutto).

"950/mth in health insurance", wow....... not sure what an insurance you have, but you will probably get 1000 € if you accidentially have a small wound... for 1000 € a month you get the all inclusive package probably. I never heard of somebody that pays a private health insurance 1000€/mth.

sorry to say it, but your entitlement mentality is insane. I can tell you what, in germany with over 9000€ you start to be in the high class.

just some real numbers, not a developer but a normal muncipial employee (no civil servant) with an age of 35 years will make +-3500€ brutto, which is already way more than many people will do (more than 50%)

This is a highly inappropriate, hard-to-follow comment. BTW, I am sure your employer loves the fact that you value yourself so little.

> This leaves me with 3950 before taxes, or 2765 after taxes... That doesn't sound so amazing anymore, does it?

Am I missing something? That's €33,000 disposable cash per annum, right? That would actually be pretty damn amazing for plenty of people, including many here.

And let's just put aside the fact that much of what you've listed is not "taxes".

I guess that's not including mortgage/rent, food, automobiles, etc. If that's the only source of income for the household and there are children involved it rapidly downgrades to sufficient but not wow, insane profit.

It's still an order of magnitude or two more than what other people in other parts of the world make, so the point about it being a sweet income remains valid but on a broader, societal level.

(Also, the health insurance is up in the "what? is that serious" league and the provisions for retirement and sick leave also too high to sound reasonable, but I won't question the OP's sincerity or financial choices.)

The rule of thumb is about 80% for me - an $80K employment salary is worth about $100K contracting.

I have exactly the same need (and problem too)! I'll monitor this thread and see if anyone else has any solutions to this.

I really would like not to have node running on my server in order to get SSR! Which effectively means I'll either have to serve entirely static pages and then hydrate them based on some model client side (which isn't server side rendering by any definition of the term), or I have to recreate the entirety of the HTML rendering functionality for my server side in my language of choice. I guess there might not be a way around the second option?

Hehe, shame this got down voted so much. It's actually a pretty hilarious Erlang joke. They made a video way back showcasing Erlang in the setting it was primarily used: telecom systems. In this video they keep calling and greeting each other. The video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKfKtXYLG78

Except you have to be careful so the monthly amounts don't end up so small that the credit card processing fees eat up the majority of your donation! The processing done via Stripe (which is used by Donorbox) has a fixed minimum fee of 30 cents per transaction.

Edit: unless they have some special lower cost stripe rate of course, in which case you can ignore my comment altogether ;)

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