For many people, light prevents melatonin production. Maybe not for everyone, also know an old friend in school who can sleep through bright sun right in the face.
The figure is clear. There is NOTHING even comes close to replace $ in terms of volume. Remeber, also took US Dollar a long time to replace the Pound as the reserve currency.
Whenever country like Japan stops using dollar to settle oil purchase, it is another step. With currently development around the multi-polar world, it is likely not one single currency, rather several regional block reserve currencies will arise to replace the Dollar.
JSX expressions are compiled to calls of JSX(tag,atts,kids) function. That function can be redefined enabling
different libraries to use JSX in the way they want, here is an example of using JSX with PReact:
import { h, render, Component } from 'preact';
JSX = h; // let's use PReact::h() as a driver of JSX expressions
>I used to rant against using at every possible opportunity. The library has (had) crazy bugs in its reconnection code. In the right circumstances the library would violate ordering and delivery guarantees, or it would lie about messages being received when they hadn't been. But no matter how much I ranted about it, and no matter how many hundreds of issues there were on github, far more people used than the (much more reliable) alternatives because had a pretty website, good documentation and it was taught at coding bootcamps. I think the only reason its not as popular now is that you don't need it now that websockets are available everywhere.
That is true. So with the modern browsers now days latest Chrome/Firefox (both desktop and mobile) can support websocket seamlessly? I guess is kinda like the jquery of ws then? It will take some time to phase out.
> So with the modern browsers now days latest Chrome/Firefox (both desktop and mobile) can support websocket seamlessly?
Yes. And this has been true for nearly a decade. The jquery analogy is exactly right. These days is simply an over complicated wrapper around a standard browser feature (websockets). Just like jquery, it will probably hang around as long as we’re alive through sheer stupid inertia.
Often these web apps, just doesn't work on iOS. Seen that happen quite a few times. Also keep in mind Safari on iOS has 7-Day Cap on All Script-Writeable Storages such as:
Indexed DB
Media keys
Service Worker registrations and cache
Unless if the Web Applications was added to the Home Screen.
>Crimes are committed all the time using phones and yet, we do not allow phone companies to monitor, record and report the content of pur phone conversations. And they can't just add a line in a terms of service, they have no legal right to do it. (Ignore the issue of Metadata, I mean the audio portions of our calls)
Are you sure about that? It is my understanding all telco traffic are monitored. Some countries may have laws that prevent real time conversation/sms to be look at for a few months.
Correct, I cant speak for all the world. In the United States, only a party to a phone conversation may record that call. Some states have stronger requirements than that, requiring all parties to consent.
The phone company can't listen to your phone calls and there is definitely no public expectation or journalists demanding that AT&T and others do something about preventing crimes that used a phone by recording all calls and passing them through a Crime Detector (TM).
Ignore the illegal spying by US intelligence agencies on American citizens on American soil (past and/or whatever is still ongoing). Is this an example where the US may "let" a friendly nation spy on US citizens and then just gets that information from them?
So rather than the NSA hoovering up US phone call content, which they almost certainly have the capability of doing, they just let the UK do it for them?
The phone company can't listen to your phone calls
Perhaps not explicitly legal but calls are monitored all the time after switch upgrades. We even applied US specific patches that disable the operator override tone that lets you know someone is on the call. I had to do this after every switch upgrade. One time that specific patch flubbed in a non obvious way and when I jumped onto a random call the people said, "Is someone there? Who is on our call?" and I disconnected.
For what it's worth, my boss had an arrangement with the three letter agencies to give them unfettered access to all the switches and we would even enable non-logging test mode to prevent any of their commands from being logged. My boss and most of his direct reports were not US citizens and one of them openly hated Americans so they did not really care. This was a couple decades ago so maybe by now everybody follows the spirit of the law.
we don't really have a over population issue, unless some how we figured prolong the life span of all people in the next few decade. Countries like China will have population deflation problem in the coming decades.
It's still possible we'll face lots of problems from having too many elderly people who aren't working, even if we won't have problems from overpopulation itself.
For sure, it doesn't matter where you put it if it is in one place. If one look at company like superbase, and their product like PostgresREST. It is just way faster way to develop API, and it will scale too. Often it is about how one 'horizontally' scale.
This comes a lot from people who want to "horizontal" scaling. The camp that thinks everything should be in the middle tier (Java/C#/). Also cost on AWS is cheap for those, and expensive for RDS. In the end db will be bottle neck. Of course DevOp ppl will can also create cache layer etc to lessen the stress to the db.
Glad someone mentioned this!!! It is one of good reason to self-host! And only send sneak peek to social media sites. Stallman has a recommendation similar to that on what to post to FB.
Only use social media as a notification/publishing/advertising system, post important stuff on your own site.
Of course, I should clarify, it is his recommendation if organisations who need a facebook presence, as many small businesses or event organizers struggle to not have a FB/instagram presence.