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I assume you mean "validated" and not "compliant" -- the distinction is important. Yes, it will be 140-2 validated. It's being submitted for testing before end of month to make the 140-2 cutoff. (September is the last month for 140-2 submissions. After September, all new FIPS submissions must be for 140-3 validation.)

It's fair to assume it will take about 12-18 months from submission to certificate issuance.

>> memory safe

> That's an incorrect assumption if you haven't audited the code.

Audit the code? Simply `grep unsafe`.

Well, perhaps `rg unsafe` if you want to use the rust counterpart to grep, ripgrep ;)

Spot on. Also worth noting that regulation and government administrative law are the only ways to restrict consolidation. (Anti-trust, FTC merger approvals)

Serve the same content over HTTP and HTTPS. Many web admins today don’t serve content over http, instead they HTTP/301 redirect all http requests to https.

I miss the days when punctuation marks were significant to google searches. And the days when you could use logic operands in searches like +&!

I’m glad I learned POSIX and especially Linux when searches were evaluated more literally. It was simple to locate relevant technical pages.

It’s a shame google doesn’t offer legacy search.

Really, slippery slope fallacy over employers providing food to workers?

The free food does a good job of keeping me in the building. I honestly can’t understand why anyone would be opposed to office perks.

PlantUML is an excellent tool for creating visual representations of system behaviors. Because diagrams are generated from plaintext, they’re easy to maintain and version control. I use it often when designing new features and systems. You don’t need to pay attention to UML semantics to create valuable diagrams.

PlantUML also integrates pretty well with different wikis. The textual representation is saved in the wiki and the image is generated on-demand.

100% - that’s my primary usage of it. It’s easy to encode complex diagram and change it easily.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” is a very different statement from, “I am sorry I hurt you.” One makes responsibility conditional, and the other takes responsibility.

It’s a fair inference given the size and rate of known Bitcoin black market busts. In one search, I found a paper that estimates $76B worth of Bitcoin is used in illegal trade per year.


I remember this paper. A major flaw that was pointed out to the authors (and never corrected) is that Bitcoin tumbling services—popular among illicit users—artificially increase the transaction volumes. So if tumbling services puts the BTC on average through 10 transactions, then this will multiply by 10-fold the volume. In other words there wouldn't be $76B transacted annually, but only $7.6B.

Tumbling also makes some of their other figures unbelievable. For example in table 2 they report "181.82%" of all users transactions attempt to use tumbling services... I have little confidence in this paper being accurate.

FYI, RF paints are poor signal attenuators, even when applied in multiple coats. There’s no RF paint product that can stop commercial cell communication across usable spectrum.

Yet build a house with foil backed foam insulation from Home Depot and you'll have no mobile signal indoors... So frustrating!

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