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It's up to them to decide whether they will honor the takedown notice or not. But yes, not honoring it means they forego their safe harbor protection and can themselves be held responsible for damages.

Exactly. A number with the property that every sequence occurs is called a rich or disjunctive number - a number can be rich in s specific bases or rich for all bases we don't know whether pi is any if that. A number where every sequence occurs equally often (scaled to the length of the sequence) is called a normal number, which is an even stronger property.

While Pi is not proven to be a disjunctive number, nor the stronger condition of being normal, it is generally believed to be normal. That being said we don't have a proof of Pi being normal, nor disjunctive.

I am not familiar with how a proof of that would be constructed, as clearly numerical or computational measurements could never be conclusive.

Not if the DMCA takedown notice wasn't valid in the first place.

(By valid I mean it correctly follows the requirements in the DMCA, one of them being that it must be for copyright. It does not apply to other kinds of IP, nor does it apply to other violations of the DMCA such as the anti-circumvention provision cough youtube-dl cough)

This is correct and exactly why Cloudflare should have thrown this in the green compost bin the moment it showed up, and written back to say if you send us this kind of trash again, we will sue you.

No the file is not a driver. It's a file loaded by a driver, some sort of threat/virus definition file I think?

And yes Windows drivers are signed. If it had been a driver it would just have failed to load. Nowadays they must be signed by Microsoft, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/d...

That was my read.

The kernel driver was signed. The file it loaded as input with garbage data had seemingly no verification on it at all, and it crashed the driver and therefore the kernel.

Hmm, the driver must be signed (by Microsoft I assume). So they sign a driver which in turn loads unsigned files. That does not seem to be good security.

Is there really any chance they are going to hand out prison sentences to foreigners who have visited as a tourist?

But legallity, politics and bad taste aside, it just seems a dangerous place to visit. It wasn't long ago that an Ukrainian missile was shot down over Crimea which ended falling down on a beach in Sevastopol and killing 4 people.

Nope. If they acknowledge you've been on 'occupied' territories, they will reject entry and prohibit it for 3-5 years.

You get similar treatment with an Israeli stamp in your passport if you go to many Muslim countries, not that they will actually stamp your passport anymore. Cuba and DPRK will also avoid stamping your passport for similar reasons with respect to American sanctions (no idea bout Iran).

Sure, I just answered on the question if the person visited Crimea will be jailed in Ukraine.

I think MAME can emulate it (as in running the actual ROM dumped from a DEC VT520), see https://wiki.mamedev.org/index.php/MIS

Doesn't fit the OP constraint "using opensource", but thanks, and +1 from me for pointing me to this :)

The VT320 (+ VT330) seem to also be supported, are also on that list, but not the VT340 mentioned in sibling post.

Straight from Adobe's website: https://developer.adobe.com/document-services/docs/assets/5b...

EDIT: If it's important that it's the actual standardized version rather than the final draft then you can get it for free here: https://www.pdfa-inc.org/product/iso-32000-2-pdf-2-0-bundle-...

(Strictly speaking it's the 2020 revision which incorporates some errata. I don't know if the final standardized 2017 version was made freely available)

I'm constantly seeing companies trying that shit here in Denmark. Usually they stop with that specific dark pattern once our consumer protection agency (Forbrugerombudsmanden) threatens them with fines. But then they just try with something else. It's a big game of whack-a-mole and the consumer protection agency is serverely underfunded and understaffed - they have just 24 employees tasked with enforcing marketing and consumer protection law for every single company in Denmark)

Strictly speaking sweat is a bodily fluid, which I guess means that you should always throw them out.

Or you could wash them before donating them?

I'd be shocked if most people make a specific effort to wash clothes before donating them.

I can't imagine ever donating dirty clothes. What a strange thing to do.

It probably helps that it's a large-ish connector (by modern standards) and tolerances aren't that tight.

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