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The state motto of Texas is "Friendship".

(this is true)

If it was Frıendshıp before the Alamo I'd say that works out about right.

...whereas that of New Hampshire is 'Live free or die'

Incidentally, NH licence plates are stamped out by prison inmates.

Now THAT is cruel and unusual punishment, right there!

Edit: For those not well versed in NH plates, the state motto is embossed on each and every number plate. (This may be the case for every US state, for all I know)

On the subject of bullet holes in 1% of the thing, NH also has way laxer gun laws than Texas. (Or at least had laxer laws 5 years ago, I suppose Texas probably has loosened gun laws in recent years)

No permit for carrying, no duty to inform, no "no guns" signs for buildings that carry any legal weight beyond trespass. NH allows guns in bars, Texas does not. NH you can still protest with guns, which is rare in most states after the 1960s era civil rights protests with guns. Texas nominally prohibits carrying guns for 5 yrs after a violent offense, NH does not. Etc etc.

Yeah, Texas has been all hat no cattle for a long time re: guns. Still looser restrictions than California though.

If you want real ‘wild west’ living, the closest you’ll come is Nevada (except for Clark County), Wyoming (except for Jackson), and Alaska (except for Anchorage). A few other places too.

And, incidentally, you can choose to cover or remove the motto on your plate: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41488122

> This may be the case for every US state, for all I know

Nope. What the jurisdictions choose to write on plates varies, often for a fee you can have something different, either of your choice (within limits) or from some limited selection.

Famously DC has plates quipping about the "Taxation Without Representation" which was notionally the reason the United States wanted independence. The District of Columbia of course does pay federal taxes but does not receive proper democratic representation in exchange, exactly the situation the colonists complained of and with exactly the same retort offered in response†.

[This is a very small hypocrisy compared to say declaring that "All men shall be free" and continuing to literally enslave some of them for example]

† The Congress insists, just like the Westminster Parliament, that these tax payers are represented, but virtually, with the entire institution actually somehow representing their interests. If this strikes you as poppycock for Westminster, it should feel no different closer to home.

It seems to me that it makes a great deal of sense for the seat of the federal government to be located in a federal district independent of any state’s control. It also would not make sense for that federal district to be represented as a state — that would end up being a circular dependency, since the federal government is created by the states, and it doesn’t make sense for the federal district to participate in creating and sustaining itself.

Those who choose to live within the federal district have a privilege others in the United States do not have: direct physical interaction with and influence over the individuals composing the federal government. It makes sense to me that the privilege is balanced with a lack of representation in the Senate and House. Note that they do have representation in the Electoral College.

It also makes sense to me to retrocede the majority of the current federal district back to the state of Maryland.

People who have never had it have no concept of how much they are missing. It's so frustrating.

Compared to cars and motorcycles? More e-bike usage means more e-bike accidents - that's just arithmetic. And e-bike usage soared.

This is scaremongering without those comparisons. The tell here is that somehow e-bike usage in NYC is being blamed on "Democrat" lawmakers. Historically and in most style guides, they are called "Democratic" lawmakers - dropping the "ic" is a right-wing media thing.

Cars rarely spontaneously burst in flame and causing a chemical fire taking that takes hours to put out. I am all for safe e-bikes, and these bootleg batteries are dangerous to the population and to the way the population sees this alternative transportation mode.

It is almost precisely what "network neutrality" means in the EU. The US definition is different.

100% is the way to be. Once you get there, then you can start having useful conversations about how to make the coverage more meaningful. But first, you have to make sure that every line is run at least once without crashing (except for the lines that are supposed to crash things - those you need to verify DO crash things).

Interestingly, once something is designed for testability it is more likely to not have bugs. But saying that therefore you don't need the tests is silly, because without the tests you wouldn't have designed for testability.

Disagree, empirically. Once you bury the needle, nobody wants to talk about whether the tests are garbage, because doing so means that you have to admit to misrepresenting things to management. So you’re either calling people out or complicit in the lie. People don’t want to look at these actions honestly, so they deflect to protect their egos.

None of these dynamics are an issue when you’re at 80% code coverage. It’s easier to fix how we do things while still slowly raising the stats.

You’re trying to run when you haven’t learned to walk (or with a few teams I’ve seen, crawl).

They tried to make a better C++ and accidentally made a better Java and a better Python.

Agree over the java part. But Python is still orders of magnitude more productive, being it because of the ecosystem, available libraries, frameworks, or almost any other metric. The only advantage over python is performance, and maybe static typing depending on your taste.

Go more than makes up for this in the deployment aspect, since deploying Python in 2020 (Python 2, Python 3, conda, pip, venv, system interpreter, poetry, etc.) is still a mess.

Only a mess if you use python 2, conda, etc... What’s difficult about this?

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/in...)" curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/maste... | python - brew install pyenv // update shell with pyenv pointer pyenv install 3.9.0 pyenv global 3.9.0 poetry init poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true --local poetry install

For deployment, Docker python3:alpine, install poetry, copy over pyproject.toml and install

> What’s difficult about this?

Well, for starters, that particular multi-liner:

- installs an entire package manager, which may or may not conflict with system tools or a different package manager,

- assumes pyenv will build Python against the system libraries without additional flags (it won't if you're running Big Sur, you'll need zlib from Homebrew),

- assumes you are on macOS, and does not attempt to work on Windows or Linux, or account for the idea that someone might not want to deploy a program using Docker.

Plus, it does so non-reproducibly and downloads random binaries from the internet.

Which makes rolling back a bad push really interesting. Give me a append only repo with my static binaries that my compute nodes deploy from. I even went to the trouble to put Python into RPMs for this.

pip is broken in no many aspects, between pip and pip3, things installed in your home folder vs /var, "binary" entries that don't exist after installing a tool, cryptics stack traces because of missing libs / not compatible for your platform ( native build ) ect ...

Why do we need virtual env in 2020?

It's one of the worse "modern" language to build, even Java / NodeJS are better.

It may be more productive if you are the sole consumer of your code. If you need to ship code to be run by third parties Python tends to result in overly complex and tedious setup process. One shouldn't ignore that users of Python applications often have to pay the price.

Go makes arbitrarily large codebases feasible. I find Python to be exponentially more painful as codebase size increases. For personal projects this is fine, but for industrial use cases Go has a significant competitive advantage.

>Go makes arbitrarily large codebases feasible

For me, this is the consequence of a reasonable static type system. Without generics and the current error handling story, it almost feels like Go makes large codebases necessary in the projects I've used it, compared to other statically typed languages such as Kotlin, Java, Rust, and C#.

Go 2 on the other hand looks like it will solve this problem, and I eagerly await its release.

In my codebase at work there are a few cases where code is (poorly duplicated) that would benefit from a proper generic solution. But I don’t expect go2 to significantly reduce our codebase size, even if we replaced the aforementioned components.

I agree that some form of static typing is critical to scale a codebase, or an ecosystem. Let’s also not forget the importance of a packaging system with robust version management. Go modules and proxy.golang.org are also critical to Go’s success at (code) scale.

> Agree over the java part. But Python is still orders of magnitude more productive, being it because of the ecosystem, available libraries, frameworks, or almost any other metric.

How many years of Java experience do have?

I’d be really interested in hearing more about the ‘better Java’ point, if you have the time.

Not the OP, but i would have guessed that the (subjective) axes of "being better" are uncontroversial - by which I mean prepend "there are many who value that" in front of each:

- a GC that can has relatively smart defaults without having to tweak a ton of parameters

- don't have to ship a vm

- concurrency baked in from the start

- simpler language

- doesn't try to square everything into the OO paradigm

> a GC that can has relatively smart defaults without having to tweak a ton of parameters

Depends on the JVM being used

> don't have to ship a vm

You get to ship a runtime instead.

Which Java also allows since around 2000, given how long commercial AOT compilers do exist for Java.

> simpler language

Java 1.0 was also Go simple, and just like Go does nowadays, full of code generation tools to work around that simplicity.

> doesn't try to square everything into the OO paradigm

Interfaces are part of OOP, introduced by Objective-C protocols.

> Depends on the JVM being used

Is picking a jvm not tweaking a parameter?

Just like picking Go, gccgo, TinyGo, TamaGo or whatever might come down the line.

Nobody really does that.

They do, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

And HN said "Yup, he basically deserved it." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2802917

That's definitely a clear, strong, and powerful ideology. Pretending it is a minimal one is incorrect.

More money (for whom? and by what means?) is not always better.

The best is to get agreement on the design is gdocs and then export it to Github so that the design and code live next to each other.

"Characterizing People as First-Order, Non-Linear Components in Software Development" knew why in 1999.

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