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Hi jrockway,

Can you please elaborate more on this point.

[FMC]( http://fmc-modeling.org/ ) is much closer to the notation and level of abstraction you used in your diagram than UML.

It's a joke -- do a web search for "unified modeling language".

Alright, let's be Rational about this.

Hi Cubible67,

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah you are right. App and diagram are not polished. I put up quickly something that gives a feel of what I am thinking and get feedback is there really need for such thing. Surely I will consider all of your points and put up more polished one in some time. All of them are valid points except for interaction consistency. When you go deeper into Network you see "Virtual File System" which a sub component of Network. Double clicking on "Virtual File System" should take you to internal details of VFS. But they are none of details as far the diagram is considered. So it won't do anything.

Note: Indicating which of them are clickable is a very valid point. Will try to incorporate it in some time.

Protocol Buffers will work fine and their documentation is very clear. These are my findings based on my experience -

* Serializing data is ok but parsing takes quite a bit of time especially for large requests. (I am talking in milli seconds) * PBs always require a copy from your internal app data to its structures. Couldn't find a way to avoid that. * They have variable length encoding and it might be a good option if your data comprised of large percent of integers. From our experience don't use it if you are sending within your corp network as packing and parsing takes more time compared to savings in amount of data transfer. They might be a good option if you are sending data across slow networks.

Some of the metrics show that Thrift performs better than PBs. Also Thrift provides options of using different protocols. If Performance is prime criteria JSON + zipping should be a good option. Also they won't have an intermediate step of generating marshaling code.

Its awesome, extremely polished. Very well done. Though I am not interested in much in art it has the drive to make me buy something. Very good work.

Isn't it similar to 43things.com?

I have one problem - Recently launched products are always in need of spreading the word about them. One of the better ways to do it would be find blogs, articles or discussions going on to related to the product. I would like to setup a service which sends me some N urls everyday where I can go and add some useful insights to the discussions as well as put my service url there, so that it brings in some new users to my site. Let me know if you are interested in this.

Yeah. That is cool and I was thinking the same thing. I also thought that the more real time it will be the better, so you can get into the discussion while people are still reading it :).

I would love to talk more about it.

Hi Kleine2,

Please mail me at pk@roorky.com. We can discuss more on the same idea. :)

I am currently using Balsamiq Mocksups. I can't see how is it different from Balsamiq Mockups. Why should I switch to another product which has nothing different to offer. In my opinion it looks a little worse.

If you are like me - A person knows basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript but artistically challenged. For my site a bought a template from http://themeforest.net and tweaked it to meet my needs. It worked pretty well for me. Most of the templates costs you 10-15$. But you need to deposit 20$ to buy anything. (I hate this part). If you are willing spend around 20$ it might be a good option.

I love this site. Please think of adding catchpa for signup. Its very easy for a script to scrape and create quite a number of accounts. Very useful guide to improve search results.

* Voltmeter - How is the keyword targeting decided? I got unexpected keywords for my site.

* RANDAL - I used to check where my site appears for given set of keywords. It solves the problem automatically.

Haven't checked other tools yet. Will be doing it soon.

During development certainly I can iterate more quickly with interpreted languages than with compiled ones. It improves development time considerably.

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