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Seamless mode still exists in Virtualbox 6.1 which is the latest version.

(Windows did just crash when I was testing it but, as it also crashed twice before I got that far, I don't think it's related)

Did Windows 10 start to crash in VBox for you too? I had to move to libvirt/qemu as I was not able to resolve. Downgrading nor upgrading VirtualBox did not help. Removing last windows update helped a little, then it started crashing again.

Linux windows get just as many (run xev from a terminal and do the same thing). Our modern processors, even the crappiest Atoms and ARMs, are actually really, really fast.

GPUs even faster.

Vega64 can explore the entire 32-bit space roughly 1-thousand times per second. (4096 shaders, each handling a 32-bit number per clock tick, albeit requiring 16384 threads to actually utilize all those shaders due to how the hardware works, at 1200 MHz)

One of my toy programs was brute forcing all 32-bit constants looking for the maximum amount of "bit-avalanche" in my home-brew random number generators. It only takes a couple of seconds to run on the GPU, despite exhaustive searching and calculating the RNG across every possible 32-bit number and running statistics on the results.

> If you're like me then development time is expensive. Is optimizing a function really the best use of that time? Sometimes yes, often no.

Almost always yes, because software is almost always used many more times than it is written. Even if you doubled your dev time to only get a 5% increase of speed at runtime, that's usually worth it!

(Of course, capitalism is really bad at dealing with externalities and it makes our society that much worse. But that's an argument against capitalism, not an argument against optimization.)

Nitpick: software optimization isn’t an example of an externality. Externalities are costs/benefits that accrue to parties not involved in a transaction.

Yes, it is.

> ex·ter·nal·i·ty: a side effect or consequence of an industrial or commercial activity that affects other parties without this being reflected in the cost of the goods or services involved

The buyer is an "other part[y]" from the seller's (edit: or better yet, developer, who might just be contracted by the ultimate seller...) perspective, and performance is basically impossible to quantify, therefore price.

Moreover, even if you want to limit externalities to being completely third-party... sure: Pollution. More electrical generation capacity needed.

That’s an incredible stretch of the definition.

The other parties are other parties besides the buyer and seller.

> Moreover, even if you want to limit externalities to being completely third-party... sure: Pollution. More electrical generation capacity needed.

^this is an externality, everything else is just a poor understanding of the concept.

So would a less efficient engine in a car be an externality?

The pollution from such a car is undeniably an externality. Just Google "is pollution an externality".

The less efficient engine itself is not because it is priced in. Because the government made them put it on the window of every single car sold.

“Priced in” means that the full social cost is reflected in the price.

A window sticker is not “pricing in” the externality.

Pollution is the externality.

A less efficient car engine means that the magnitude of the externality (in this case, the externalized cost, you can have externalized benefits as well) is larger.

The problem is that performance for most common tasks that people do (f.e. browsing the web, opening a word processor, hell even opening an IM app) has gone from "just okay" to "bad" over the past couple of decades despite our computers getting many times more powerful across every possible dimension (from instructions-per-clock to clock-rate to cache-size to memory-speed to memory-size to ...)

For all this decreased performance, what new features do we have to show for it? Oh great, I can search my Start menu and my taskbar had a shiny gradient for a decade.

I think a lot of this is actually somewhat misremembering how slow computers used to be. We used to use spinning hard disks, and we were so often waiting for them to open programs.

Thinking about it some more, the iPhone and iPad actually comes to mind as devices that perform well and are practically always snappy.

> I think a lot of this is actually somewhat misremembering how slow computers used to be

Suffice to say: I wish. I have a decently powerful computer now, but that only happened a few years ago.

> We used to use spinning hard disks, and we were so often waiting for them to open programs.

Indeed, SSDs are much faster than HDDs. That is part (but not all) of how computers have gotten faster. And yet we still wait just as long or longer for common applications to start up.

> the iPhone and iPad actually comes to mind as devices that perform well and are practically always snappy

Terribly written programs are perfectly common on iP* and can certainly be slow. But you're right, having a high-end device does make the bloat much less noticeable.


"10 compilers, IDEs, debuggers, package managers" what are you talking about? (Virtually) No one uses ten different tools to build one application. I don't even know of any C++-specific package managers, although I do know of language-specific package managers for... oh, right, most scripting languages. And an IDE includes a compiler and a debugger, that's what makes it an IDE instead of a text editor.

"and at the end of the day LLVM compiles 30min and uses tens of GBs of RAM on average hardware" sure, if you're compiling something enormous and bloated... I'm not sure why you think that's an argument against debloating?

>No one uses ten different tools to build one application.

I meant you have a lot of choices to make

Instead of having one strong standard which everyone uses, you have X of them which makes changing projects/companies harder, but for solid reason? I don't know.

>"and at the end of the day LLVM compiles 30min and uses tens of GBs of RAM on average hardware" sure, if you're compiling something enormous and bloated... I'm not sure why you think that's an argument against debloating?

I know that lines in repo aren't great way to compare those things, but

.NET Compiler Infrastructure:

20 587 028 lines of code in 17 440 files


45 673 398 lines of code in 116 784 files

The first one I built (restore+build) in 6mins and it used around 6-7GB of RAM

The second I'm not even trying because the last time I tried doing it on Windows it BSODed after using _whole_ ram (16GBs)

Compiling a large number of files on Windows is slow, no matter what language/compiler you use. It seems to be a problem with the program invocation, which takes "forever" on Windows. It's still fast for a human, but it's slow for a computer. Quite apt this comes up here ;-)

Source for claim: That's a problem we actually faced in the Windows CI at my old job. Our test suite invoked about 100k to 150k programs (our program plus a few 3rd party verification programs). In the Linux CI the whole thing ran reasonably fast, but the Windows CI took double as long. I don't recall the exact numbers, but if Windows incurs a 50ms overhead per program call you're looking at 1:20 (one hour twenty minutes) more runtime at 100k invocations.

Also I'm pretty sure I've built LLVM on 16GB memory. Took less than 10 minutes on a i7-2600. The number of files is a trade off: You can combine a bunch of small files into a large file to reduce the build time. You can even write a tool that does that automatically on every compile (and keeps sane debug info). But now incremental builds take longer, because even if you change only one small file, the combined file needs to be rebuild. That's a problem for virtually all compiled languages.

It's crazy that they have multiplied files count by 7 meanwhile the code just by 2

is it some C++ header file overhead? or they do something specific?

I can only guess, I am neither a LLVM nor a MSVC dev.

1. Compile times: If you have one file with 7000 LOC that and change one function in that file, the rebuild is slower than if you had 7 files with 1000 LOC instead.

2. Maintainability: Instead of putting a lot of code into one file, you put the code in multiple files for better maintainability. IIRC LLVM was FOSS from the beginning, so making it easy for lots of people to make many small contributions is important. I guess .NET was conceived as being internal to MS, so less people overall, but newcomers probably were assigned to a team for onboarding and then contributing to the project as part of that team. With other words: At MS you can call up the person or team responsible for that 10000 LOC monstrosity; but if all you got is a bunch of names with e-mail addresses pulled from the commit log, you might be in for a bad time.

3. Generated code: I don't know if either commit generated code into the repository. That can skew these numbers as well.

4. Header files can be a wild card, as it depends on how their written. Some people/projects just put the signatures in there and not too much details, others put the whole essays as docs for each {class, method, function, global} in there, making them huge.

For the record, by your stats .NET has 1180 LOC per file and LLVM 391 on average. That doesn't say a lot, the median would probably be better, or even a percentile graph. Broken down by type (header/definition vs. implementation). You might find that the distribution is similar and a few large outliers skew it (especially generated code). Or when looking at more, big projects you might find that these two are outliers. I can't say anything definite, and from an engineering perspective I think neither is "suspicious" or even bad.

My gut feeling says 700 would be a number I'd expect for a large project.

> My gut feeling says 700 would be a number I'd expect for a large project.

aha, I remember when I was in class, the absolute rule our teachers gave us was no more than 200 lines per file

I assume the parent was talking about the fragmentation in the ecosystem (fair point, especially regarding package management landscape and build tooling), but it's unclear.

>I don't even know of any C++-specific package managers


Yes, writing software in C/C++ is harder. It's a darn good thing most software is used much more frequently than it is written, isn't it?

And yet, even with all the evidence that modern, heavily-bloated software development is AWFUL (constant bugs and breakage because no one writing code understands any of the software sitting between them and the machine, much less understands the machine; Rowhammer, Spectre, Meltdown, and now Hertzbleed; sitting there waiting multiple seconds for something to launch up another copy of the web browser you already have running just so that you can have chat, hi Discord)... you still have all the people in the comments below trying to come up with reasons why "oh no it's actually good, the poor software developers would have to actually learn something instead of copying code off of Stack Overflow without understanding it".

During work I'm constantly reminded of how much better and snappier MSN Messenger was when compared to Teams.

> But here's the thing: it's cheaper to waste thousands of CPU cores on bad performance than to have an engineer spend a day optimizing it.

No, it really isn't. It's only cheaper for the company making the software (and only if they don't use their software extensively, at that).

Exactly. Users are subsidizing the software provider with CPU cycles and employee time.

Assume it costs $800 for an engineer-day. Assume your software has 10,000 daily users and that the wasted time cost is 20 seconds (assume this is actual wasted time when an employee is actively waiting and not completing some other task). Assume the employees using the software earn on average 1/8 of what the engineer makes. It would take less than 4 days to make up for the employee's time. That $800 would save about $80,000 per year.

Obviously, this is a contrived example, but I think it's a conservative one. I'm overpaying the engineer (on average) and probably under-estimating time wasted and user cost.

If humans wait, yes. If you can just buy another server: no.

I 100% agree on saving human time. Human time is expensive. CPU time is absolutely not.

Servers are expensive, too. Humans waiting on servers to process something is even more expensive. No software runs in a vacuum; someone is waiting on it somewhere.

Adding more servers doesn't generally make things faster (latency). It only raises capacity (bandwidth). It does, however, generally cost quite a bit on development. Just about the only thing worse than designing a complex system is designing a complex distributed system.

I'm of course aware of all this.

If you don't want to take the advise of running the numbers that's up to you.

E.g. if end user latency is 10ms (and it's not voip or VR or something) then that's fast enough. Doesn't matter if it's optimizable to 10 us.

If this is code running on your million CPU farm 24/7, then yeah. But always run the numbers first.

Like I said, the vast majority of code optimization opportunities are not worth taking. Some are, but only after running the numbers.

On the flip side optimizing for human time is almost always worth it, be it end users or other developers.

But run the numbers for your company. How much does a CPU core cost per hour of it's lifetime? Your developers cost maybe $100, but maybe $1000 in opportunity cost.

Depending on what you do a server may cost you as much as one day of developer opportunity time. And then you have the server for years. (Subject to electricity)

Latency and throughput may be better solved by adding machines.

> Like I said, the vast majority of code optimization opportunities are not worth taking. Some are, but only after running the numbers.

Casey Muratori said it best: there are 3 philosophies of optimisation. You're talking about the first: actual optimisation where you measure and decide what to tackle. It's rarely used, and with good reason.

The second philosophy however is very different: it's non-pessimisation. That is, avoid having the CPU do useless work all the time. That one should be applied in a fairly systematic basis, and it's not. To apply it in practice you need to have an idea of how much time your algorithm requires. Count how many bytes are processed, how many operations are made… this should give a nice upper bound on performance. If you're within an order of magnitude of this theoretical maximum, you're probably good. Otherwise you probably missed something.

The third philosophy is fake optimisation: heuristics misapplied out of context. This one should never be used, but is more frequent than we care to admit.

I'm actually also talking about the second.

> avoid having the CPU do useless work all the time

It's not worth an engineer spending 1h a year even investigating this, if it's less than 20 CPU cores doing useless work.

The break even for putting someone full time on this is if you can expect them to save about fourty thousand CPU cores.

YMMV. Maybe you're a bank who has to have everything under physical control, and you are out of DC floor space, power budget, or physical machines.

There are other cases too. Maybe something is inherently serial, and the freshness of a pipeline's output has business value. (e.g. weather predictions for tomorrow are useless the day after tomorrow)

But if you're saying that this second way of optimizing is that things should be fast for its own sake, then you are not adding maximum value to the business, or the mission.

Performance is an instrumental goal of an effort. It's not the ultimate goal, and should not be confused for it.

In the specific case of batch processing, I hear you. Machine time is extremely cheap compared to engineer time.

Then there are interactive programs. With a human potentially waiting on it. Someone's whose time may be just as valuable as the engineer's time (morally that's 1/1, but even financially the difference is rarely more than a single order of magnitude). If you have as few as 100 users, shaving off seconds off their work is quickly worth a good chunk of your time.

Machine time is cheap, but don't forget that user's time is not.

I'm up there on the mound preaching the same thing, trust me.

You should, however, not pessimize. People make cargo-cult architecture choices that bloat their codebase, make itnless readable, and make it 100x slower.


Using actual numbers vetted by actual expenses in an actual company, if you can save 100 CPU cores by spending 3h a year keeping it optimized, then it is NOT worth it.

It is cheaper to burn CPU, even if you could spend one day a year making it max out one CPU core instead of 100.

It can be better for the business to cargo cult.

Not always. But you should remember that the point of the code is to solve a problem, at a low cost. Reducing complexity reduces engineer cost in the future and may also make things faster.

Put it this way: Would you hire someone at $300k doing nothing but optimizing your pipeline so that it takes one machine instead of one rack, or would you spend half that money (TCO over its lifetime) just buying a rack of machines?

If you wouldn't hire them to do it, then you shouldn't spend current engineers time doing it.

I wasn't talking about optimization! I was talking about non-pessimization, which includes not prematurely abstracting/generalizing your code.

I've seen people making poor decisions at the outset, and having code philosophies that actively make new code 100x slower without any clear gain. Over-generalization, 100 classes and subclasses, everything is an overriden virtual method, dogmatic TDD (luckily, nobody followed that.)

The dogma was to make things more complicated and illegible, 'because SOLID'.

It depends.

Run the lifetime cost of a CPU, and compare it to what you pay your engineers. It's shocking how much RAM and CPU you can get for the price of an hour of engineer time.

And that's not even all! Next time someone reads the code, if it's "clever" (but much much faster) then that's more human time spent.

And if it has a bug because it sacrificed some simplicity? That's human hours or days.

And that's not even all. There's the opportunity cost of that engineer. They cost $100 an hour. They could spend an hour optimizing $50 worth of computer resources, or they could implement 0.1% of a feature that unlocks a million dollar deal.

Then having them optimize is not just a $50 loss, it's a $900 opportunity cost.

But yeah, shipped software like shrinkwrapped or JS running on client browsers, that's just having someone else pay for it.

(which, for the company, has even less cost)

But on the server side: yes, in most cases it's cheaper to get another server than to make the software twice as fast.

Not always. But don't prematurely optimize. Run the numbers.

One thing where it really does matter is when it'll run on battery power. Performance equals battery time. You can't just buy another CPU for that.

> Next time someone reads the code, if it's "clever" (but much much faster) then that's more human time spent.

yet piles and piles of abstractions are considered acceptable and even desirable while having significant negative effects on code readability.

Yeah, it doesn't have a simple answer that works for all cases.

Say you need to do some data processing from format A to B. There's already a maintained codebase for converting from A to C, C to D, and a service that converts individual elements from D to A. All steps require storing back onto disk.

For a one-time thing it'll be MUCH cheaper to do it the naive way reusing existing high level blocks, and going to lunch (or vacation), and let it run.

For a recurring thing, or a pipeline with latency requirements, maybe it's worth building a converter from A to B.

Or… it could be cheaper to just shard A and run it on 20 CPUs.

Let's say you have the expensive piles of abstraction, and creating huge waste. At my company one HOUR of engineer time costs about the same as 20 CPUs running for A YEAR.

This means that if you reduce CPU use by 20 cores, forever, then ROI takes a full year. Including debugging, productionizing, and maintenance you pretty much can't do anything in 1h.

Likely your A-to-B converter could take 1h of human time just in ongoing costs like release management.

And to your point about code readability: Sometimes the ugly solution (A-C-D-B) is the one with less code. If you needed the A->C, C->D, D->A components anyway, then writing an A->B converter is just more code, with its potential readability problems.

On the flip side of this: It's been a trend for a long time in web development to just add layers of frameworks and it's now "perfectly normal" for a website to take 10s to load. Like what the fuck, blogspot, how do you even get to the point where you realize you need a "loading" animation, and instead of fixing the problem you actually do add one.

Human lifetimes have been spent looking at just blogspot's cogs spinning.

If faster software was worth anything to people surely they'd pay for it.

That only applies to homo economicus.

And ones with a choice.

Given the choice between program X and program X plus higher speed at higher cost, some will choose the latter.

But that's never the choice. All else is not equal.

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