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Remember the EU started as the EEC. More feature creep in realm of transnational governance.

I hope it works out for Basecamp. It is simply not ok to allow anxious or bitter people to be wearing each other out with political beliefs when they are being paid well to do a job. The twitter parade of martyr complexes is predictable but it is disappointing that so much talent has lost perspective on what professional conduct looks like in a workplace.

Agreed. I find it rather alarming that an influential member of the Chrome team is talking like this. All our e2e test suites are built around Chrome and XPath because of its expanded abilities over CSS

Could you please share your use case? Lets drive adoption.

Is this even legal to sell in Europe? Looks like it is designed to slice objects on collision.

Looks are often quite misleading when you actually start to investigate collision safety.

echo Hacker News | sed s/Hacker/Speciation/

Not that I mind, quite enjoying these articles.

Everyone has a plan right now in the UK parliament. Probably over half of parliament is hoping to push the UK into a 'cancel Brexit' scenario, despite claiming they respect the referendum result. Possibly a third of parliament have given up on the prospect of a reasonable deal with the EU and are holding out for a no-deal WTO exit. A minority are still seeking a last-minute deal that everyone can agree on.

It has always been my belief that a good trade deal between the UK and the EU is only possible if the UK is actually willing to go no-deal WTO first. Simply because the EU never concedes anything in good faith when it comes to negotiations.

> Birds today share same genes as tyrannosaur rex

Really? Surely this claim would require the sequencing of the T-Rex genome, which I'm guessing is an impossibility.

Strictly speaking, all liveforms on the planet share same genes because they descended from a common ancestor. You probably have 50% of common genes with plants and quite a few with microorganisms.

it sounds like quite a stretch to say everything shares the same genes. A lot of the genes have come into existence long after distant species split apart, and other genes have disappeared from one specie while continuing in others.

IIRC, ~70% with bananas.

Guitologist channel on YouTube is great for walkthrough amp repairs and conversions

Angular 2 in beta made bold claims about being 'production ready' which reads 'almost done', it was frustrating just how long it then took to become what I would consider production ready.

I consider Angular 4 the first release to produce just about acceptable sized app bundle. On the whole though it's a very ambitious project and I think it will be increasingly hard to ignore, we've currently no intention of changing framework.

I think this had to more to do with internal pressures at Google than the actual state of the code. They had been working on it for a long time, and, I think were under some pressure to actually ship something. Angular v4 is what the first production version should have looked like.

Having just upgraded a large AngularJS v1 project to Angular v4, I'm actually very happy with where it's ended up. It feels like a very good combination of power and flexibility. There are still some complex bits, but it feels more like the complexity is necessary and sanely designed, rather than the craziness of what AngularJS's directive stuff evolved into.

Would you share some stats about the upgrade? How many LoCs was the codebase and how many man/hours it took?

s/upgrade/rewrite . I don't believe a second there is a reasonable way to upgrade 1.X from 4.X without rewriting all UI related code.

I wouldn't. Overturning a high turnout national referendum result would probably result in violent riots.

We are not a country accustomed to, or we'll prepared for, referendums on complex subjects (I don't know of any that are except Switzerland, which is built on them). If the question were posed again tomorrow, the results might be significantly different.

I don't think we'd necessarily benefit from a massive u-turn, but I think many leave supporters are disgruntled at what it has now been revealed they were convinced to vote for.

So maybe riots, but also quite possibly not, and not necessarily (as it was put elsewhere in the thread) because people are just rolling over and taking it...

As a rule, the British don't like to riot. You typically get one or two stand-out riots a decade, but they're rarely for political reasons. (The Poll Tax riots were an exception.)

I can imagine a lot of people threatening riots and outright civil war, but the British right isn't organised enough to do much except march around being loud and annoying and picking a few fights with foreigners.

It certainly isn't intelligent enough, or well-armed enough, to have any hope of winning an actual civil war.

That's the point. I'd like to see if that happens. I'd bet that nothing violent would happen and if that's the case I see a sad, sad future for all the current democracies in the world.

The only case worse would there being riots, and the government rolling in and declaring some form of martial law while no other nation lends a hand or steps in to sanction the ruing government.

This would prove that either a) the citizens of most western nations will no longer fight for things they believe in, or b) they can no longer fight for what they believe in and no one will aid in defense of the values that western people hold. That's a scary state of affairs.

In my opinion either of those outcomes prove it's ok for any ruling class to bully around the majority and that no one, not even in the international community, will provide them any faults for doing so.

No it will not. Perhaps if it was high turn out and a clear majority but 48/52 is very close and ignoring the result would likely anger leave voters who were overwhelmingly older people. Hardly the type to riot.

All else equal, that seems like the lesser of two evils in this case.

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